The New Year is fast approaching, 2022 will be upon us before we know it. Typically, many of us set New Year’s resolutions, some may be health related. Before I really became concious of making my diet part of my lifestyle, my resolutions always included starting a diet to lose weight. That didn’t happen for me overnight, I have tried multiple diet plans in the past that ultimately failed. However, if you want to start a diet plan let us examine the best and the worst

The Mediterranean Diet was chosen the best by the U.S. News and World Report who ranks diets annually, it was actually chosen the best for three years in a row. The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and whole grains and is sensible, one you can live with. In order to be ranked best a diet has to include balance, maintainability and healthfulness. The Mediterranean diet includes all of these. It has been proven to be a diet for weight loss management and health outcomes. It was also deemed to be the best diet for healthy eating, easiest diet to follow, best diet for diabetes, and best plant based diet. But if you are looking for a fast weight loss diet, this is not the one for you.

The Mediterranean inspired DASH diet, which stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension, which is designed to help lower high blood pressure and can do the same for cholesterol. DASH is followed by the Flexitarian and WW (formally known as Weight Watchers) diets. One of the most popular diets of the last ten years, keto proved to be disastrous.

Keto which is a high-fat, low-carb diet, had many followers because of the get slim quick results. Its downfall was its minimal effect in preventing diabetes, promoting heart health, and supporting long-term weight loss. As well it is not very nutritious and is difficult to follow. People actually became bored with eating high fat foods and meat. The most important factor included nutrient deficiencies, and an increase in inflammation and immunity.

Surprisingly enough more plant-based diets such as vegetarian and vegan were not in the top five best diets. The reason is their inability to regulate weight loss and lower disease risk. Fad diets here today and gone tomorrow have no staying power. Diets that perform well are safe, sensible, and consistent, year to year. So how do you choose the best diet for you? No matter if you are trying to lose weight or improve heart health, diets are not a one size fit all experience.

Those of you who have been following me for a while are aware, it’s not about dieting, it is all about changing your lifestyle. Diets tend to have a yo-yo effect, on again, off again. As well, weight loss is not something that happens overnight. It is a process that takes time and effort. Some of you know my story, at one point in my life I weighed 180 lbs. At 5’5″ tall, I struggled to breathe, couldn’t climb stairs easily and had multiple aches and pains. Today weighing in at 154 lbs. I have none of those issues.

The point is you have to decide that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. As well it is a slow process and doesn’t happen overnight. Adopt a strategy that allows you to lose weight while feeling well physically, emotionally, and socially. That strategy should have the ability to become a long-term lifestyle, not a yo-yo effect. Most importantly it should actually protect and improve your health.

One important factor about losing weight in a healthy manner and keeping it off is consistency. Start to adopt a new way of eating healthfully and not a short-term diet, not a diet what’s trending at the moment. When you decide to adopt a healthy lifestyle of eating, start with eliminating an unhealthy dish and replacing it with a healthy dish, one at a time. As an example, if you eat fast food, start decreasing the number of times you eat it every week. If you eat it three times a week decrease to two, then one, and finally stop eating it.

Don’t cut out everything at once, you won’t succeed and will be back on the yo-yo. Start replacing healthy foods with unhealthy foods a little at a time. As well if you want to lose weight start moving. I started walking, not fast paced, just leisurely. I started with walking a half mile and slowly increased to one mile, then up to two. If it’s cold outside, I walk around my house, I am fortunate to have a Fitbit which records my steps. Most days I get to 10,000 steps, but if I make 8,000, I am not going to beat myself up.

Do what you can, just do something and do it consistently. Make your mind up what you want to do when it comes to your health. It’s all up to you, no one else can make that decision for you. To reiterate slowly eliminate unhealthy diet choices and replace them with healthy ones. There are actually some delicious healthy choices such as dark chocolate made with cocoa. One of my favorite snacks is apple slices spread with peanut butter, or celery topped with peanut butter and raisins. Read your labels when shopping at your grocery store, if you cannot pronounce an ingredient, leave it on the shelf. Every product labeled healthy isn’t healthy. Look for whole grain breads, not multi-grain. Eat more berries, fruits, and veggies.

As long as I have been on my healthy eating journey, I sometimes crave potato chips and will buy a small bag to ease the craving. I also treat myself to Handel’s ice cream, I buy a pint a month. You don’t have to give up everything you love, just love it infrequently.

If you want to live a long life, start living a healthier one, that begins with making healthier choices in your diet and moving your body daily.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤