Cold and flu season will soon be upon us, and Covid-19 is already spreading like wildfire. It is time to boost your immune system with some “Superfoods”. Superfoods will increase your immune system which guards you against you getting sick. There are many more than those discussed today.

Let us start with the almighty cabbage, it is versatile and can be prepared in many ways. Have you tasted cabbage soup? Cabbage is one of the immune boosters you should have in your refrigerator, the colder months are when it is most powerful. It contains a lot of fiber, benefits the good bacteria in your belly, and helps increase healthy digestion. Cabbage helps with irritable bowel syndrome. leaky gut and heartburn.

Elderberry has long been known to battle colds and flu, you can find elderberry cough syrups and lozenges in every drug store. I recently bought elderberry jam at a local outdoor market. Elderberry can also ease headaches, muscle pain, and stress.

Garlic, something I use almost daily has been known to be an alternative treatment for many illnesses for centuries. When I cook with garlic, I always add extra. Garlic may be taken as a supplement as well, and some people eat it raw, however, you choose to consume it will increase your immune system and reduce the symptoms of what ails you.

Yogurt is known for the probiotics it contains, the good bacteria in your belly. To be cleat, I am not talking about all the multiple flavors of yogurt full of artificial flavor and sugar displayed at your local market. Greek yogurt is a whole yogurt which contains probiotics and no added sugar, supports and boosts your immune system. As well it will decrease flu symptoms.

One of my favorite sandwiches is portobello mushroom, it has a meatlike consistency. Portobello and all mushrooms boost your immune system. They contain a componet that actiates the immune system to prevent colds and also lets the white blood cells know about possible attacks.

Most people walk around dehydrated because they don’t drink water. Plasma, the liquidpart of your blood is 90percent water it makes sure your body gets nutrients. blood cells, and hormones. You may not be aware that other body parts contain water. The brain and heart contain 73% of water,the lungs 83%, your skin, 64%, muscles and kidneys 79%, and bones 31%. The old adage of drinking 8 glasses of water a day is not for everyone. Drink enough water for your body type, your body alerts you when it is lacking water.

Last but certainly not least, the superfood of Popeye, the Sailor Man, spinach! Spinach contains fiber and vitamin C, and can be prepared in so many ways. Sauté it with a little olive oil and add some chopped up boiled eggs. Make a spinach salad, put it in an omelet, or put it in a smoothie.

The superfoods listed above are by no means all of them, but try adding these in your diet to get the ball rolling! Protect yourself from flu and colds by giving your immune system a lift! Please note, those of you taking medication, consult your pharmacist for any possible interactions.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤️