Food can not cure what ails you, however certain foods have the power to ease symptoms and boost your immune system when you have specific illnesses or injuries.

Chicken Pho ( pronounced fuh) is a Vietnamese soup that has more healing power than our traditional chicken soup. It has the anti-viral power of star anise as well as the anti-inflammatory properties of cardamom and cinnamon. Lets not ignore the antioxidants it contains from goji berries and coriander seeds. Jalapenos also bring calcium, vitamins A and C, and spice to clear nasal passages.

Sardines are full of calcium and vitamin D. These tiny fish packed in small tins with water, olive oil, or tomato juice, have more omega-3 fatty acids than most other fish. Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen your bones. Sardines are caught wild and young, which means their mercury levels are low.

Green bananas are ideal for diarrhea. They contain resistant starch, which means your small intestine cannot absorb it quickly. Instead it feeds good bacteria in your digestive tract and gets the bad bacteria out. Bananas are full of electrolytes and potassium which can replace what you have lost.

Honey is a remarkable food in that it decreases inflammation, soothes pain, and kills bacteria. It also contains antibodies that fight viral infections. Honey is loaded with vitamins niacin, and vitamin C, and minerals like calcium and iron, which are energy boosters. To treat your cough naturally, add 2 tablespoons to warm water or tea. Have too much alcohol? Add two tablespoons of honey to 8 ounces of water and drink it before bed. The honey will absorb the alcohol in your system and prevent a hang over the next morning.

Kimchi is a Korean dish that is a spicy mix of napa cabbage and radishes that are fermented. Eating it fills your gut with good bacteria, known as probiotics. The probiotics move out bad bacteria that cause belly distress. There are also some kinds of sauerkraut and pickles that have the same effect. Look for the words naturally fermented on the label.

Horseradish, a cousin of mustard, onion, and garlic is hardly subtle. Even a small dab can make your eyes water and your nose run. When grated the cells of the root are crushed. That releases the oils that bring out its heat. Horseradish moves out mucus that attracts bacteria if it lingers in your system too long.

Headaches are caused by blood vessels that feed your brain enlarging and pressing against your nerves. That is what causes the throb of your headache. Caffeine to the rescue! The caffeine in coffee, black tea, and chocolate causes the blood vessels to shrink back down to size. Be careful not to overdo the caffeine as you can get a withdrawal headache from too much.

Ever get scrapes or a knife cut? Start healing yourself with kale or other dark leafy greens such as spinach, broccoli, collard, and turnip greens. They have high amounts of vitamin K, which help your blood cells to clot. Vitamin K also helps your body build healthy bone tissue.

Ginger is great for your stomach. The root of ginger has compounds called gingerols. They block receptors in your digestive tract that cause nausea. Use ginger to treat morning sickness, motion sickness, post surgery, or chemotherapy related stomach issues. I boil the root to make a ginger root tea. Other forms include, candied, dried, pickled, powdered, and ground.

Try soothing your sore throat with herbal tea. Peppermint tea has natural numbing properties. Clove and green tea fight bacteria. Raspberry tea reduces inflammation. Chamomile will lubricate your throat, drink it if you are hoarse.

The old saying an apple a day will keep the doctor away is not without merit. The soluble fiber in the walls of apple cells, called pectin, is great for constipation. An added bonus is if you have diarrhea it reduces inflammation and helps firm up your bowel movements. Leave the skin on the apple to get the most fiber. Other high fiber foods include raspberries, cooked artichokes, and Brussels sprouts.

These are just a few of the foods that have healing properties. There are many more. If you develop any of the symptoms or conditions mentioned in this blog try using food to treat it versus medicine. Learn to make food your medicine!