blackbird on a branch

A few days ago, I had a discussion with friends about medication and all the side effects you may suffer taking it. We shared our experiences growing up when the cure for what ailed you was found in plants and roots. The tree, Moringa oleifero has multiple health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and has been used to treat multiple health issues.

Moringa contains vitamins A, thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and ascorbic acid (C). Other healthy compounds include calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorous.

Moringa has been used all over the world for centuries and is also known as the miracle tree, the drumstick tree, the ben oil tree, and the horseradish tree, it has also been used for food. The remedies I will share with you today have not all been verified by the standards of modern health. However, if you think about it, very few natural remedies are.

Moringa has been known to help treat diseases related to anti-inflammation, cancer, diabetes, anemia, low energy. arthritis and joint pain, allergies, asthma, constipation, stomach pains, diarrhea, chronic headaches, kidney stones, edema. heart conditions, thyroid problems, low sex drive, bacterial, fungal, virus, and parasitic infections.

Nearly all the parts of the moringa plant can be used for health benefits. It’s leaves, seeds, flower/pods, stem, and roots have been used for nutrition, supplements, and other medicinal properties. The way this plant is used medicinally, is by drying and grounding the leaves. The leaves contain most of the essential nutrients, growth factors, vitamins, amino acids, proteins, minerals, as well as potassium, iron, and zinc.

The pods of the moringa contain seeds that produce a healing oil. The oil can be used for cooking or applied to the body. Powder made from moringa contains phytochemicals, protein, calcium, beta-carotene, vit C, and potassium. Because it is a concentrated source of vitamin A, moringa powder is given to thousands of children in third world countries to treat life threatening vitamin A deficiency.

Moringa is native to Africa and Asia, shipping from both involves a long transport time, however, moringa is sold in the U.S. in capsule or powder form. I would suggest purchasing it from a natural health food store to assure the best quality. Moringa tea can be made from dried leaves, steep, don’t boil the leaves. The oil can be used on the skin, or hair. Store it in a cool dry, dark place. Look for the oil in lotions and natural creams.

Due to the fact moringa is not a medication, side effects are rare, but anyone can have a sensitivity to plants, herbs and roots. As always if you are prescribed medications, consult with your pharmacist regarding any possible side effects.

I drink moringa tea with lemon and honey about three times a week. Boost your immune system with the health properties of this powerful plant!

Until the next time Peace, Love, and Blessings ❤️