Cavemen first used essential oils in prehistoric times, 4500 B.C. to create paintings on cave walls. At about the same time, Egyptians claimed to use them for cosmetics, mummification, and various other uses. The Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks used lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus which are widely used today. Essential oils are extracted from plants by distillation, often using steam.

Today, we use essential oils in products such as perfumes, colognes, soaps, and air fresheners. As well they are also used to flavor food, and drinks, and to add scents to household cleaning products and incense. I enjoy aromatherapy, the scents are calming to my spirit.

I will share with you today the benefits of the three oils I mentioned above, they are unique in their way but may share some benefits. Before I proceed I need to share this information with you, do not apply an essential oil directly to your skin without using a carrier oil mixed with it. Common carrier oils are fractionated coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, and rosehip oil.

Lavender, one of the most widely used oils for aromatherapy, gives off a calming soothing scent that relieves stress and promotes relaxation. Add a few drops to a warm bath to release tension and mental strain. A lavender plant is a beautiful purple, purchase a small plant and place it in your bedroom to be lulled to sleep naturally.

Next is peppermint which promotes energy, and alertness, and helps us stay focused. As well peppermint calms the digestive system if you have an upset stomach. Peppermint candy is a fave and if you happen to imbibe in too much alcohol and awake with a hangover? Peppermint oil to the rescue, add a few drops to a cup of tea for relief.

This time of year coughs, colds, and flu are prevalent. Ease respiratory issues with eucalyptus oil. Aside from easing respiratory issues, it eases muscle and joint pain, promotes scalp health, and disinfects wounds and cuts. Of course, any deep cuts or gaping wounds will require a physician’s attention.

I urge you to purchase pure essential oils from a reputable source, Wally World, my name for Walmart, Dollar Tree, and Dollar General are not reputable sources. As well essential oils should come in brown bottles and sealed most of the time with a cork. This Blog is just an introduction to the uses of essential oils, I can testify to the healing properties of essential oils as I have utilized them over the years to address multiple mild conditions. If you are new to this therapy, consult a natural health or natural healing store in your area for guidance.

I often refer to our ancestors, who had no modern medicine, but knew how to live off the land and heal with plants and herbs. They survived and lived long healthy lives. I watched the playoff Super Bowl contender’s games with friends, one of the guys attending complained of the pain he had in his knees related to all the cold damp weather we have experienced lately. This was someone I had shared the white raisin remedy with years ago, he had started to use them and stopped. He finally ended up taking Alleve and had some relief. My point is, that natural healing remedies don’t work overnight, be consistent.

If you are taking any medication for any chronic diagnosis, consult with your health care provider before using essential oils as plant medicine can have side effects with traditional medications.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤️