life is now neon signage

Life be lifing is a new term often used by musical artists and in social media. The basic meaning is when life gets tough or triggers you in some way. This may happen periodically, monthly, weekly, or for some people daily. The big question is how do you handle it?

Before I get to that, I want to share with you how my life has been lifing lately. About a month ago, my 93 year old uncle had an amputation of his right foot baby toe. He has been legally blind and hard of hearing for a few years now and depended on my aunt, 89 years old for everything. After his surgery he was transferred to a rehab facility, despite the fact my aunt drives, emotionally she was a wreck. In 42 years they had never been separated for such a long period of time so I drove her back and forth for visits, which he looked forward to. A few times, when we visited, we found his lunch tray in his room uneaten. The dietary staff had dropped it off and left without letting him know it was there. The family decided to hire an aide Monday through Friday for half a day to assist him.

A week ago Sunday, I chose to go to a friends home to watch the Brown’s game, I received a call from my aunt, she had fallen and could not get up. Coming into the house her right knee gave out and she had tumbed down, 27 steps into her basement. I managed to get there and my cousin Phil arrived shortly after me. She complained of left shoulder pain but was coherent. We called 911 who transported her to the hospital.

My immediate reaction as we were waiting in the ER, was a feeling of guilt, I wondered would this had happened if I had driven her as usual to visit? Ater a thorough work up, x-rays and a CT scan, she was diagnosed with a hairline fracture of her left shoulder which would heal on its on. God truly had his arms wrapped around her, at her age a tumble down the steps could have been disastrous and resulted in multiple injuries.

She was hospitalized for stabilization and observation. At that point I was visiting her in the hospital daily and then visiting my uncle at the rehab. At times it felt overwhelming but I kept pushing through. After all I still had things going on in my life, meetings, writing a Blog twice a week and my GBabies, but I managed to get it all done.

My aunt was transferred to the same rehab facility last Friday and the family requested they be in the same room. It was a relief that they would be in the same place, 10 minutes from my home.

Prior to her injury the rehab facility posted a Covid outbreak, and suggested visitors wear a mask. It went from your choice to mask to being strongly suggesting masks be worn. Of course my aunt and I complied, although I noticed some staff members after a few weeks stopped wearing masks. I did wear mine when entering the facility and outside of their room.

I was notified last Friday my bank account had been hacked and I quickly closed it and froze my information on all three credit bureaus. On Saturday, I was notified someone had used my information to take out a payday loan. I froze all accounts and had to change my banking information for my income sources and other accounts.

Oh but that’s not all, Friday I felt congested and tired, I thought it was seasonal allergies. The tiredness increased and Sunday morning I had muscle pain throughout my body. I tested myself and discovered I was positive for covid. Thankfully I was up to date on my vaccines with the exception of the last one. As well I am healthy with a strong immune system, and have no health issues. I don’t feel that sick and my appetite is good.

After all that I have experienced, I came to the realization, these past few months are just a small part of my life. I chose to not dwell on all of the bad things that have occurred, after all there was no permanent damage. I sat in meditation and concentrated on the good things in my life, I also felt grateful. I have no doubt people have and are experiencing life changing circumstances that will affect them forever.

My aunt and uncle have accepted their circumstances, and being the sweet man that he is, he is planning her 90th birthday party next year. The banquet hall has been reserved. He loves him some Miss Mattie! She loves him just as much.

Despite the things that have happened in my life over the past few months, I have been able to move through it all, and land in a place of steadiness, freedom, peace and most of all gratitude!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, andBlessings ❤️