woman wearing red hat and sunglasses

I went to a Comedy Show at the Pit Boss, located in Youngstown, Ohio, on Saturday night. I was sitting near the stage when one of the comedians commented on my blinged-out Converse high-tops. A little later in his performance, he commented on a guy at the bar who was drunk and then turned back to me asking if I may want to talk to him. I replied he was not my type, the comedian asked “What is your type?” I replied “Tall, dark, and handsome,” laughing as I said it. He returned to me again, stating something about age, I replied” How old do you think I am”, he said in your 50’s, I smiled and said nope, I am 74. Like most people, he said “Naw, you aren’t that old”, I replied, oh, but I am.

I have to say, part of my youthful look is hereditary, both of my parents looked younger than their ages throughout their lives. However, my lifestyle strongly contributes to my appearance as well. You may have heard the expression, we start dying the day we are born. It is so true, the older we get the more our bodies begin to age.

There are things you can do to elongate your life, diet, exercise, social interaction, and stimulating your brain. Many of you eat a diet high in processed foods, high in sugar, and full of GMOs. Processed foods are the worst for our health, even if the processed food is labeled organic, additives have been added. By the time it reaches the grocery store shelf, it has little in common with its original state.

Most commercially grown processed foods have food additives, from coloring to dangerous preservatives like sodium nitrate, and sodium nitritrite, all of which contribute to cancer-causing toxins in our bodies. Other chemicals include degerming agents, artificial flavorings, preservatives, and bleaches to name a few. Most of the nutritional value of this food has been stripped out.

I plant a garden every year to grow produce that contains no chemicals or pesticides, and I purchase my meat from a farm that lets the cows, chickens, and pigs roam freely, with no additives. I strongly suggest you educate yourself about the technological process used to produce GMOs. Radioactive substances irradiate the food, killing bacteria and extending food shelf life. Do you want to ingest radiation?

How much sugar do you eat? Americans consume 140 to 160 pounds of sugar yearly, truly empty calories. On average 50 teaspoons per day is consumed from prepackaged foods and sugar added at the table. That equals 800 calories about 1/3 of the body’s total daily requirement of food energy. Baby boomers, my generation, complain most of fatigue and pain, elevated blood sugars contribute to both.

Physical exercise is essential to living a long healthy life. Simple exercises such as walking daily, at least 10,000 steps are adequate. As we age it is necessary to keep your body in motion, start slowly to build endurance, and then work up to 30 minutes, then 60 minutes of exercise daily. This improves metabolism, staying limber, and keeps your muscles toned.

Interacting with other people is also key to a longer life. Connect with others by joining a bowling league, playing cards, volunteering at a community center, or joining an organization. Engaging with others stimulates your mind and gives your life purpose.

Brain aging is a leading cause of disease, disability, and death in the elderly. Keep your mind stimulated by reading, playing games, and doing puzzles. Balance is a key to sound mental function, there is no need to take multiple supplements. A high-potency multivitamin/ mineral supplement and a good diet are sufficient. Find one at your local health/nutrition shop.

I will leave you with a formula chrono-forte, the anti-aging formula that combines the benefits of several anti-aging nutrients. They are as follows:

Acetyl-carnitine HCL, 2000 mg

Alpha-lipoic acid 300 mg

Carnosine 1,000 mg

Nettle leaf extract 1,000 mg

Zinc 15 mg

Quercetin (water-soluble) 100 mg

Biotin 3,000 mg

Be sure to purchase these nutrients at a health/nutrition shop. Not your local drug store to assure you are purchasing a quality product. Life is full of ups and downs, however, if you wish to live a longer healthier life, please consider adopting some of the suggestions discussed today. It’s your life, your choice!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings ❤️