woman in white dress shirt

I have been sat down by the Universe for the past two weeks, after a minor outpatient surgery for a hiatal hernia repair, I call it being on house arrest as I was unable to drive for two weeks post-surgery. Three years ago, I needed top and garden soil for my garden and made a trip to the nursery to purchase it. My youngest Son was to unload the soil for me. Needless to say, I got frustrated with his many responses as to when he would be available to do so and unloaded it myself. I had six 50 lb. bags, so I pulled my vehicle to my back gate and started to unload the soil myself. I had almost finished when I heard a pop! Having been a registered nurse over 50 years with service in the US Army Nurse Corps, I automatically knew what had happened.

That incident occurred three years ago, and on my yearly physical checkups, my doctor and I would discuss it. He already was very much aware of my stance. “If it’s not bothering me, I’m not bothering it”. Well guess what? It started to enlarge and bother me. Most people are familiar with inguinal hernias which occur around the belly button area. In the case of a hiatal hernia, part of the stomach pushes into the chest cavity. It comes through the esophagus (an opening through the food tube) and passes on to the stomach.

The procedure to repair my hiatal hernia which I insisted no mesh be inserted, was done on January 9th with robotic assistance, I was pain-free by January 11th. However, I was on “house arrest”, lol, as I call it, no driving for two weeks until today. Yep! today is my release date!

Followers and readers those of you who know me, are aware this confinement has driven me crazy. I am an on-the-go person. But, having learned my lesson from my ankle fracture, I have been compliant. After completing some of my want-to-do projects, reading some books I had been promising myself I was going to start, chilling out with my old vinyl albums, and binging on some TV, I came to the conclusion I was with myself and needed to take some time out to examine who I am at the age of 75, and what do I want to achieve in this stage of my life? Yes, I have reached the 7th decade of my life.

You know, thinking back over the years, I never really thought about these years until I retired. Had I been knowledgeable as I am know of financial planning when I was working, I would be a wealthy woman. I grew up in the 60’s an era where the goal for women, was to marry and raise a family and money was not discussed. I thank God, I had a mother who taught me better, her message was “get a career, not a job” As a I can say I didn’t follow all of her advice, but I can most certainly say her words of wisdom, about a career stuck with me.

I had a lucrative career as a Health Care Administrator for Jails and Prisons, I relocated from California to two other states, for new assignments. My last was in Columbus, Ohio and after receiving an offer to relocate to Maryland, I decided to come home. I had lost my mother when I lived in California and pregnant with my only Daughter. I wanted my children to get to know their grandfather, and two great uncles while they were walking among us.

That choice led me to finding relatives in Omaha, Nebraska, expanding family I never really knew. When asking myself where I am in this stage of my life, and how do I make decisions about my life? I know with no ifs ands and buts, now is my time to live, explore, create, and be! The choice for me is to live my life, not just exist for however many years that may be!

My choice is to live, not simply exist until I live no more.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings ❤️


  • I really enjoy reading your messages, hearing your advice concerning medical issues and natural remedies you’re a very resourceful and informative person and you seem like a very nice and caring person Thanks so much for all you have shared with me. Oh and those healthy recipes are just what I need Love your blogs and your posts ❤️

    • You are most welcome Mary, my whole reason for starting this Blog was to help people. I am so elated it is helping you.

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