men selling vegetables at the market

At age 73, looking 10 to 15 years younger, I am doing all I can to live a long healthy life, and in doing so adopted a healthy lifestyle for the past 10 years. I am proud to say I have no health issues and take no medications. All of the anti-aging foods I am presenting today are foods I eat all the time. If you are a follower, then you are aware I use my food as my medicine. Back in the day when I was growing up, my grandma, Mom, and Auntie used old school remedies. For instance, if we had a chest cold, the treatment was rub down with Vicks, sliced onions placed on your chest, and wrapped in a binder to hold the onions in place. The next morning the onions would have pulled out the congestion. Once a month I place sliced onions on the soles of my feet, secured by socks and leave them overnight. The onions pull toxins out of the body.

Do you desire beautiful glowing skin? You may want to start by eating these anti-aging foods. Start adding to your diet foods loaded with antioxidants, healthy fats, water, and essential nutrients. Your body will show its appreciation through your largest organ, the skin. If something is going on with you internally, the skin is often the first to show it. When I meet people and share with them my age, they are surprised and always state “You don’t look or act your age.” I am always curious as to what is meant be acting my age however I accept the compliment with a gracious, thank you.

The National Institute of Health has concluded eating fruits and vegetables is the safest and healthiest way to combat fine lines. All of the lotions, creams, masks and serums that flood the market promising to give you a younger brighter look, won’t provide the same results as the foods discussed today.

Research done by PubMed Central, Dermato Endocrinology, Jul 1, 2012, discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging, concluded that eating fruits and veggies is the safest and healthiest way to combat dull complexions and fine lines. So, here we go, let’s glow!

Watercress which most of you have never consumed is a leafy green veggie that hydrates. It is full of nutrients that provide calcium, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus as well as vitamins, A, C, K, B-1, and B2. It has the propensity to increase the circulation and delivery of minerals to all cells of the body, which means greater oxygenation of the skin. More oxygen to your cells means less free radicals that destroy cells and cause disease. Watercress is a flavorful green, start by adding a handful to your salad mix to glow!

I prefer to cook my meals and one of my fave vegetables is the red bell pepper. Red bell pepper is loaded with antioxidants which is the King of anti-aging veggies. Forget taking collagen supplements, go all natural with this veggie which contains a high content of vitamin C, good for collagen production. Red bell peppers contain powerful antioxidants called carotenoids, Carotenoids are plant pigments that give the bright red, yellow, and orange color you see in many fruits and vegetables. They also have a variety of anti-inflammatory properties and protect your skin from sun damage, pollution, and environmental toxins. I use red, yellow, and green peppers in stir fries, egg scramble, or just sliced and dipped in hummus for a snack. They are wonderful in a salad too.

Next up is papaya, this superfood is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help to improve skin elasticity and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These include:

  • vitamins A, C, K, and E
  • calcium
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorous
  • B vitamins

The range of antioxidants in papaya help to fight free radical damage and may delay signs of aging. The enzyme papain, found in papaya provides additional anti-aging benefits by working as one of nature’s best anti-inflammatory agents. It also found in many exfoliating products. Enjoy papaya by throwing it in a smoothie or fruit bowl, it is low in sugar.

To produce collagen your body needs vitamin C, front and center is broccoli, it is loaded with:

  • vitamins C and K
  • a variety of antioxidants
  • fiber
  • folate
  • lutein
  • calcium

I enjoy broccoli in a variety of ways, it is great eaten raw with a healthy dip for a snack. Most of the time I steam it and use it in pesto sauces. Broccoli when cooked releases even more health benefits for your body.

Nuts beside being filling are a great source of vitamin E, especially almonds. Vitamin E helps repair skin tissue, retain moisture, and protect skin from UV rays. Walnuts contain anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids that help:

  • strengthen skin cell membranes
  • protect against sun damage
  • give skin a beautiful glow by preserving its natural oil barrier

Sprinkle nuts on salads or eat a handful for a fulfilling snack. Do not remove the skin of the nut as 50 percent or more of the antioxidants are lost without the skin. Walnuts have been proven to reduce the risk for heart disease and pistachios type 2 diabetes. Almonds have the potential to prevent cognitive decline in older adults.

I eat avocados nearly every day, they are mainly fat and fiber. However, the fat is healthy fatty acids. Aside from being packed with anti-inflammatory fatty acids that promote smooth, supple skin, they also contain essential nutrients that prevent negative anti-aging effects, including:

  • vitamins K, C, E, and A
  • B vitamins
  • potassium

The high vitamin A content found in avocados helps shed dead skin cells. Their carotenoid content assists in blocking toxins and damage from the sun’s rays and protects against skin cancer. I add avocados to salads, smoothies, and sliced with pepper and paprika sprinkled on top. That with a boiled egg and two slices of bacon is my breakfast.

I love, love, love, sweet potatoes, their orange color comes from an antioxidant beta-carotene, also found in carrots, which is converted to vitamin A. Vitamin A helps restore skin elasticity, promotes skin cell turnover, and contributes to soft youthful-looking skin.

Vitamin C and E are abundant in sweet potatoes, both of which protect our skin from harmful free radicals and keep our complexion radiate. There are numerous ways to eat sweet potatoes. Baked and sweet potato fries are at the top of my list.

Pomegranates have been used as a medicinal healing fruit for centuries. High in vitamin C and a variety of potent antioxidants you will definitely want to add them to your diet to protect your body from free radicals and reduce inflammation in our system.

Pomegranates contain a compound called punicalagins, which help preserve collagen in the skin, slowing signs of aging. Try sprinkling the seeds of the pomegranate over a baby spinach and walnut salad for an anti-aging treat.

The bottom line is if you want to slow down the aging process and have glowing supple skin, start with what you eat and add these superfoods to your diet. You will radiate!

Until next time

Peace, Love, and Blessings💖

One Thought on “40 and Over Anti-Aging Food”

  • Great article sis. I am glad to know that my diet includes the items noted other than pomegranates. I have never been fond of this fruit but will look into ways to incorporate. An addition to my salads sounds like the way to go!

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