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Some people lose weight without trying, while others struggle despite their best efforts. What is it, you have given up fast foods, cut your sugar intake, and started to exercise three times a week, yet weight loss eludes you. A factor not discussed much could be your genetics.

Genetics is how traits are passed down from one generation to the next. It may be as simple as eye color to being susceptible to a certain disease. Genes influence body functions, like metabolism( the way your body converts food into energy), fat storage, and physical activity. If you have a slow metabolism, weight loss will be slower. Genetics may determine what area of your body you store fat, abdomen, thighs, etc. making weight loss in those areas more difficult.

However, genetics is not totally to blame. The first step to losing weight is generally diet and exercise. Eating a well-balanced diet with nutrient-filled foods and low in processed foods can influence your weight loss. Exercise or regular physical activity can help burn calories, increase metabolism, and change how your body stores fat.

Another factor in weight loss is stress. When experiencing stress many people cope with emotional eating and experience hormonal imbalances. So diet, exercise, and stress management are important to address on your weight loss journey. A balanced diet and regular exercise can positively affect genes related to metabolism and fat storage.

For example, people with a genetic family history of obesity have been able to maintain a healthy weight by consistently exercising and diet changes. Lifestyle choices can overcome your genes. Changing your diet by controlling your portions, and eating nutrient-rich foods makes a great difference. Exercise is something else you can control, you don’t have to become a gym rat, but doing some type of physical activity, even walking regularly will help you lose weight.

You may be familiar with the phrase “stress will kill you”, it is very true. High stress levels lead to your hormones being out of whack, promoting weight gain. Control stress with simple meditation, journaling, and getting adequate sleep, which has a positive impact on your metabolism, leading to easier loss of weight.

To be clear some people have a set weight that their body tends to settle at despite lifestyle changes. You must be realistic in setting your weight loss goal. Keep your focus on your goal and celebrate the small victories along the way.

The bottom line is your weight issues cannot be attributed totally to genetics, giving you an attitude of defeat. On the other hand, focusing solely on lifestyle changes can be disappointing if you don’t consider your genetic predispositions. The key is to balance the two, to develop an effective and sustainable weight loss plan. Balancing both will lead to long-term weight loss success!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤️

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