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What do you call someone who never listens to anyone?

Profile photo for Barron Broomfield

Barron Broomfield

BA in History (college major) & Mathematics, Eastern New Mexico University (Graduated 2005)Feb 9

Baby…she’s, my wife. When we first met, she never questioned anything I said and believed I was the smartest man in the universe. As the years passed, she began to consider everything a contest, and now she takes the opposing side, without thinking or hesitating with her answer or comment. I used to compliment her on how she had grown in her speech and her views of the world. She asks for my help in understanding things, then wants to argue over my explanations. It’s especially bad when it comes to her cell phone. I will help her find step by step solutions, but she always reaches a point where she thinks she has the solution. Two hours later, she celebrates getting the issue solved, and I remind her she could have gotten there an hour and a half sooner, by following the steps I gave her. No matter, by then she believes she should be working in a phone store. I can just imagine her taking hours to resolve simple problems, and the line backed up for two blocks outside the front door. She never honors losing bets and takes the “opposites attract”, theory to the max. The hidden silver lining? Long hours of Adult Twister to make up. Keep those questions coming, Baby!

Please forgive the confusion and nonposts from Barron. Technology is not always friendl


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