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Peppermint oil was used in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome by our ancestors for its medicinal qualities. Due to its adaptability peppermint oil has multiple benefits. Its main component, menthol, has been found to be beneficial in the treatment of the following heal issues:

  • Digestion
  • Bacterial infection
  • Inflammation
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle soreness
  • Congestion
  • Allergies
  • Headaches
  • Bad Breath

Feeling depleted of energy by the end of your day? Forget the energy drinks, use peppermint oil instead. Peppermint oil improves physical and mental energy levels within five minutes of ingesting it. Use it by inhaling directly or put a few drops into a diffuser and inhale the vapors. To use it internally, add one drop to a glass of water and drink. A little does a lot.

Flakey scalp due to dandruff? The antimicrobial and antifungal properties of peppermint oil make it ideal to fight dandruff. Add 2 drops to your shampoo and massage your scalp while showering.

Menthol has remarkable anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and painkilling attributes. Menthol reduces muscle soreness, lowers inflammation, and decreases pain. Many of the over-the-counter rubs for sore muscles contain menthol. Combine 1/4 cup coconut oil with 5 drops of peppermint oil, the rub on sore muscles.

A few years ago, I had left knee surgery to scrape out bone spurs and arthritis. Joint pain can be debilitating; at the time I didn’t know about peppermint oil for pain relief. Everybody that knows me is aware of the fact, I don’t use OTC meds. After surgery I did use the pain med prescribed, I’m not a fan of pain. I then resorted to my natural remedy of eating 7 gin-soaked green raisins a day, I still eat them daily. Rub peppermint oil to sore joints to ease pain. Add 2 drops of peppermint oil to a small amount of olive or coconut oil, rub together and apply to affected joints.

Do you get late night cravings with the urge to raid the fridge or cabinets to satisfy them? Peppermint oil to the rescue, it reduces those cravings and gives you a feeling of being fuller faster. Put a few drops in a diffuser, before mealtimes, or dilute a couple of drops in a carrier oil, like olive oil and rub it on your chest.

Every Spring I am plagued with seasonal allergies producing a cough and nasal drainage. Peppermint oil will help get rid of mucus and phlegm. Diffuse peppermint oil with eucalyptus in your home to reduce allergy symptoms. Soothe a sore throat by mixing 2 drops of peppermint oil in water and gargle or add a few drops to a pot of water and inhale the steam.

The anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint oil will help the irritation from bug bites to poison ivy rashes. Add two drops of peppermint oil in olive oil and rub on the affected areas.

Spring, summer, and fall I am outside for most of the day. Whether I’m planting a vegetable garden, flower garden, or just chilling, pesky bugs, especially mosquitoes are everywhere. Get rid of bugs using a natural repellent, made with peppermint oil. Dilute several drops in a carrier oil and rub all over exposed areas of your body. To get rid of bugs in your home, add peppermint oil to your floor and countertop cleaners.

There are multiple sources of stress in today’s world, meditation does help. Add another stress reliever to your arsenal by inhaling the scent of peppermint to boost a sense of calmness and tranquility. Put a few drops in a diffuser and inhale the vapors throughout the day.

A great natural treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and bloating is peppermint oil. Take peppermint oil in capsule form, follow the instructions on the bottle, or rub a few drops in a carrier oil, like coconut or jojoba, and rub on your abdomen to relieve pain and gas.

A few weeks ago, I celebrated my 74th Born Day. I don’t look my age, but as we age so do our bodies. I play games, read, and solve puzzles to help maintain my memory and concentration. Peppermint oil has been shown in studies to improve memory, concentration and focus. Mix 2 drops of peppermint oil in a carrier oil and rub it on your chest before starting your day. The alternative is to carry the oil with you and inhale from the bottle when focus is needed.

There are many more beneficial uses of peppermint oil, but I am going to end here. You can find oils everywhere, as they have become quite popular. However, to assure you get a quality oil I would advise you to go to a health food store or apothecary. As well don’t pay a lot of money for a diffuser. Dollar tree has them and they may also be found at Five and Below.

It is my hope that you found something useful in the information presented to help you. The best thing about natural remedies is no side effects!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤️