Ain’t no party like an old school party, and an old school party don’t stop! For many of you that will bring back memories of your party days. The good times! If you have ever closed down a party or club, you have experienced a hangover. That feeling of waking up the next morning in a fog, feeling nauseous, fatigued, dizziness, shakiness, or other symptoms.

The best way to avoid a hangover is not to drink or to drink in moderation. However, if you just happen to close down the club or the party and awake with a hangover you will want to get rid of it quickly. Hang-overs will usually go away by themselves within 24 hours, but there are certain foods that speed up the process and help you feel better in the meantime. Following are some healthier foods you can choose if you find yourself hungover.

Eggs are one breakfast food that may help you feel better. Eggs contain cysteine, an amino acid that attacks the toxins responsible for creating the hangover. They are also a reliable source of protein that helps reduce hangover symptoms. While you are having those eggs consider some toast as well. Eating soft dry foods like toast or bread can help boost your blood sugar. Adding bread can further help settle your upset stomach, often a hangover symptom

Crackers like toast are dry and bland and will help alleviate any nausea you may be feeling. Avoid crackers with too much salt or too many flavorings. Those may upset your stomach even more, stick to plain crackers with little or no salt.

Bouillon soup is a heavy broth that can contain chunks of meat, potatoes, and vegetables to add flavor and substance. This soup will replace some of the salt and potassium that you lose after a night of drinking. It’s easy on the stomach as well.

Honey contains fructose which is beneficial when recovering from a hangover. To prevent some of the after effects of a hangover, drink a warm eight ounce glass of water with two tablespoons of honey before you dive for the bed. The honey quickly breaks down the alcohol, leading to a reduction in hangover symptoms.

Fruit juice just like honey contains a large amount of fructose that will aid your body in getting rid of your hangover. Try natural juices without sweeteners. Fruit has plenty of fructose and just like juice will help alleviate your symptoms. Eating whole fruits is an alternative to fruit juice.

Water may not be classified as a food , but believe me it is essential to consume when you have a hangover. Drinking lots of water the morning after, as soon as you wake up, will prevent dehydration and help you feel better. The other way to replenish your electrolytes is drinking a sports drink.

This next food you are more than likely not to have on hand. But if you are a fan of prickly pears, their skin has an extract that may relieve you symptoms. The extract relieves symptoms like nausea, dry mouth, and appetite loss. Tomatoes became a hangover go to with the popular Bloody Mary. the Bloody Mary is a classic brunch drink. However, you probably want to order that with no alcohol added, Drinking tomato juice helps replenish the vitamin C your body has lost.

Last but not least consider beef or chicken noodle soup. Just as it works when you have a cold, it is also effective for a hangover. Like the bouillon soup, this soothing bowl of classic comfort food is just the thing to make you feel better. It is easy on the stomach and replenishes lost nutrients from the night before.

As previously stated not drinking or drinking in moderation is the key. But when you are hanging with friends and the party just gets too good to you, try some of these foods. If you don’t drink share this info with friends or family members that do.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings!