With all the events that have occurred in our world in the last three years, it is no surprise that on a global scale 7.3% of the population has experienced anxiety. Anxiety is a term that describes several disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and phobias. General symptoms are feelings of tension, worry, and nervousness, that can interfere with daily life.

In my career as a mental health nurse, many clients with anxiety were treated with various antianxiety medications as the main treatment course. But alternative means such as exercising to breathing techniques can also be utilized. You already know where I am going with this next if you are one of my followers.

There are many foods you can eat that support brain function and lower the severity of anxiety symptoms, mainly due to their brain-boosting properties. Let us explore some of the foods and beverages that may ease anxiety symptoms.

Salmon may be beneficial for reducing anxiety. It contains nutrients that promote brain health, including vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients regulate dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters that have a calming and relaxing effect. Fatty acids may reduce inflammation and prevent brain cell dysfunction, common in people with anxiety. This supports your brain’s ability to adapt to changes, allowing better handling of stress and anxiety.

Vitamin D also reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression. To get the best benefit, add salmon to your diet 2-3 times per week.

The herb chamomile may also reduce anxiety. It contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which lower inflammation associated with depression. It is believed chamomile regulates serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid; all neurotransmitters related to boosting your mood. 1500 milligrams of chamomile extract per day has been shown to have a significant reduction in symptoms.

A spice that I routinely add to many dishes that I cook, turmeric, contains curcumin, a compound that promotes brain health. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent damage to brain cells related to chronic inflammation. 1 gram of turmeric per day for 30 days was shown to lower anxiety. Note, look for turmeric with Bioperine (black pepper) as it increases the absorption of curcumin.

The next food to consider is dark chocolate, one most of you will have no difficulty adding to your diet. To be clear I am speaking of real dark chocolate which contains flavanols, plant compounds that act as antioxidants. Flavanols benefit brain function and have neuroprotective effects, such as increased blood flow to the brain. These effects enable you better adjust to stressful situations that can lead to anxiety and mood disorders. Now, because dark chocolate is high in calories, please consume it in moderation. For best results try a 1 to 1.5 ounce serving at a time.

Probiotics or healthy bacteria found in some types of yogurt may improve several aspects of your well-being including mental health. Probiotics promote brain function and mental health by reducing inflammation and increasing the mood-boosting transmitter serotonin. Be sure to choose a yogurt with live active cultures listed as an ingredient.

Green tea contains an amino acid L-theanine that has positive effects on brain health and anxiety. L-theanine significantly lowered stress and decreased cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone linked with anxiety. L-theanine has the potential to prevent nerves from being over excited. It may also increase GABA, dopamine, and serotonin, as noted above neurotransmitters that have anti-anxiety effects.

A great source of several nutrients that may promote brain function, including vitamin E and healthy fats, are almonds. Aside from reducing anxiety almonds offer other mood-boosting properties. An increase in the consumption of almonds may decrease symptoms of depression. Eat a handful as a healthy filling snack.

Blueberries, high in vitamin C and other antioxidants, such as flavonoids, may improve brain health and relieve anxiety and depression. Eating wild blueberries daily was linked to a decrease in anxiety. Certain compounds found in blueberries may reduce oxidative stress and ease depression and anxiety.

Last but not least is eggs. They are an excellent source of tryptophan, also found in turkey, a neurotransmitter that may be beneficial in reducing anxiety symptoms. Inadequate protein intake and tryptophan, both plentiful in eggs, can be associated with high levels of anxiety. Eggs also contain vitamin D, low levels of vitamin D increase symptoms of depression and anxiety.

These are examples of foods and beverages associated with reduction of anxiety and depression, there are others. Although these foods may support your mental well-being, please do not stop any medications or other therapies prescribed by a healthcare professional.

In conclusion, anxiety is a complicated disorder that requires multiple approaches to be managed effectively. Along with medication and therapy, the addition of the foods and beverages listed above will support your mental health and promote better brain health. Whole, minimally processed foods high in antioxidants are beneficial.

Adding these foods to your diet is a great way to support your brain health and well-being.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings💖