As we age joint pain is something we experience, especially in the morning. I recall at age 66, despite the fact that I was healthy, I started to have joint pain in both my knees. I would wake up in the morning feeling like I had been run over with a truck. I knew I had to find a solution not involving traditional therapy. I dug deep in my natural medicine books to find a solution.

I found two solutions that I just knew would solve my problem. The first was taking a combination of turmeric and curcumin. The second was stretching before I got out of bed and again after I got up. Both of these things helped tremendously, in fact I still do them to this day and I will explain why.

Early in my self made treatment, I thought okay I got this! So I went on my merry way thinking things were working out. I was going to the gym and doing my workout with no issues. Then oops, 2 years later I started to experience pain again in my left knee, no amount of stretching, ice, heat or anything else would relieve the pain for long. By now you all should know I am no fan of taking medication. I finally broke down and went to see an orthopedic physician. He of course took x-rays and the verdict was I had numerous bone spurs in my left knee and the right had some arthritis as well. I was crushed.

So we developed a plan to try injections in my left knee, the first one lasted two days and the pain returned. I eventually ended up having a procedure done called an arthroscopy, which entails having the bone spurs and arthritis scraped out of the area. It is done by laparoscope. I have had no issues since and my right knee has been fine.

As we age the synovial fluid which keeps our joints pliable starts to dry up, and the cartilage dries out. This produces arthritis. As I stated earlier to this day I still continue to take my turmeric/curcumin supplement and stretching. I stretch out my limbs before getting up and once up I stretch again.

Another thing which may help is changing your diet. Believe it or not what you eat affects joint stiffness and pain. Highly processed foods or those loaded with refined sugar encourage inflammation, which contributes to aching joints. Eat plenty of fresh whole food, including veggies, fruits and healthy fats, like those found in salmon, nuts, avocado, and coconut oil. Eating a healthy diet will maintain your weight and decrease pressure on your joints.

When stretching sit up and rotate your neck gently in a circular motion, tilt your head back and forward slowly. Shrug your shoulders up and down, twist your torso side to side. Spread your legs wide and touch your toes or as far as you can comfortably reach. Circle your ankles in one direction and then the other.

Take a hot shower in the morning, that will loosen up your joints. Also taking a warm bath with Epsom salts in the evening helps reduce inflammation and joint stiffness.

Exercise is great for relieving joint pain. When I practiced home health nursing, I would always advise my patients with arthritis to get up and move. One precaution, avoid weight bearing exercise like running. Try walking, yoga, pilates and one of the best is swimming.

I already told you about turmeric, known as the “golden spice” commonly found in Indian dishes and contains curcumin that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. I use it quite often in dishes I prepare as well as take the supplement. Be sure your turmeric supplement has bioperene, which is black pepper. That makes the turmeric more effective.

You may also want to consider herbal supplements including Boswellia, Bromelain, Ginkgo, and Stinging nettle. they are all effective in reducing joint pain and stiffness. Just remember to consult with your physician if you are taking any kind of medication prior to adding supplements.

I do not suffer from any joint pain since my procedure, I walk when weather permits, exercise in my home and eat a healthy diet. When covid subsides I will return to the gym. Just remember the old adage use it or lose it.

I can still get out on the dance floor with the best of them! Stay healthy.

Peace and Blessings

3 Thoughts on “End Morning Joint Pain”

  • Good tips sis. With my PT background I have plenty of them but with God’s grace have not been afflicted as of yet! Keep up your awesome assistance to the masses

  • Jan thanks so much. Wish I could take turmeric however on a blood thinner, wish I could soak in a tub with Epsom salts but couldn’t get out. So I’m left with moving all my joints. Which I do. Recently diagnosed with spurs on hips. Waiting for surgeon to call for appointment. I am currently on ww. I eat the right things but apparently too much. I am losing weight but not enough and not fast enough. Ortho doc told me every pound lost relieves joint pressure 6 lbs.

    • Hello Anita, oh my I am sorry to hear about your difficulties. I wrote an earlier blog about Gin and White Raisins. Gin was used as a medicinal treatment before alcohol. Get some white raisins, pour some into a shallow bowl. Cover with Gin(cheap works, lol), let the raisins sit until all the gin is absorbed, about a week. Store them in a glass jar or container and eat 7 every morning. It will take about a week or more to feel pain relief. View the last two Monday blogs about little things to help weight loss. Happy you reached out. You can receive the blog directly to your email, send me your email address and I will send you an invite. Click on it, I will accept it. You will receive my Blogs in your email after that!

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