white and orange flowers on blue and white textile

Prelude: Following is a repost from February 2022. While away this past weekend, I experienced a similar situation with a Black store clerk. That experience led me to share Flowers From a Stranger with you today.

Every since I was in my twenties, many moons ago, people have always approached me, out of the blue and just poured out their life stories, problems, and issues. It was then I discovered I was an empath. An empath is a person who has the capacity to feel and understand what other people are experiencing. Apparently others recognize that in me and are drawn to me.

It was foreign to me initially and at times bewildering, however as I learned more about it, I accepted the gift. There are numerous incidents in my life that I was able to help others just by listening and being supportive. It is the reason I specialized in mental health nursing.

Some of you may have seen my FB post about the flowers I received from a stranger as I was walking into Sam’s Club earlier this month. For those of you who did not, I will share that experience today.

I shop at Sam’s once a month for bulk items. I arrived and sat in my car trying to pull up my card which is digital on my phone. My old phone had been dropped several times and was cracked along the edge. It had become harder and harder to connect. A few weeks later I bought a new one, back with the iPhone family.

Needless to say I was a little perturbed about the time it took me to finally pull up my card. I was walking towards the entry and a Caucasian woman was exiting the store and walking to her vehicle. She smiled as we approached each other. Yes, we both wore masks but if you pay attention you will notice that people smile with their eyes these days.

Just as we were about to pass each other, she held out this beautiful bouquet of flowers and stated ” here you go Mam”, I was astounded to say the least. Why was this woman giving me flowers. Being honest, I confess my first thought was, she hitting on me???

She seeing the look in my eyes of surprise, started to explain as I turned to walk back to my vehicle. Walking beside me she explained that her husband had been buying her flowers lately all the time. Hmmm wonder what he did? Naw just joking, sounds like he adores her. Anyway she went on to say her latest bouquet from him had just died and she wanted to replace them.

She then stated she woke up that morning and said to herself she was going to do something nice for someone that day. Turns out that I was that someone. Those close to me know that I am truly a big cry baby. I cry at sad films, TV shows, weddings, etc. So as the tears were forming in my eyes, I stated ” Thank you, God Bless your soul” I was just in shock and on a natural high for the remainder of the day.

Later, in reflection thinking about what had happened, the question that came to mind was, why me? I then came to the realization she was just seeing a person, a being of the human race that she chose to Bless that day. My ethnicity was not an issue, I was of her race. We all belong to only one race and that is the human race. We are made up of different ethnicities, but belong to one race.

I have at times paid it forward, i.e. help others in need. I was in the grocery store and ahead of me was an older later and her daughter. They were anxiously looking at the cash register and asking the cashier what the total was as she was checking the items. At the end they had extended the amount they could afford and asked the cashier to return a meat item. I stepped forward and told the cashier I would pay for the meat. They were just shocked and couldn’t believe it. They thanked me more than once.

My point is we can all be a Blessing to someone and should strive to do so frequently. I remember when I needed help and the people who have come forward to help me, family and friends. We are living in times when we all should reach out if we can and give to those less fortunate. It doesn’t necessarily have to be monetary. In my Eastern Star Chapter their are elders who live alone. I call to check on them and just talk to them, it gives their day and mine a boost.

When I am in the store I actively look to see if there is someone who may need my help. I would encourage you all to do so. Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth we have all needed help at some time in our lives.

When you give to others the Blessing comes back to you ten fold. Helping someone in need and doing it from your heart , not your head, brings fulfillment to your life.

You can’t help everyone but you can find ONE in need and reach out to them. Call, drive by honk the horn, do something to let them know someone cares.

Think about it and learn to practice giving from your heart!!!! The flowers pictured are the bouquet with the exception of 3 large sunflowers that wilted. Take heed, I am drying out the tops so I can plant the seeds in my flower bed this Spring. Be a blessing to someone today!

Peace, Love, and Blessings💖

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