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I am celebrating a milestone birthday November 27th, 75 years young! Because it is a milestone, I am celebrating all week. I do hope you all enjoy this repost.

November 1, 2023, is the day I saw my efforts come to fruition. In 2020 I started a Blog, The name was derived from a cork board sign with letters made from twigs that spell out the name Janz Place. It is proudly displayed on an easel in my She Cave. For the past 3 years I have been writing a health Blog, primarily based on holistic and natural healing, using herbs, teas and roots as well as healthy cooking recipes.

On Mondays I post a Blog related to natural healing, that includes mental health, and Thursday a cooking Blog is posted. Needless to say, Thursday views have long outnumbered Mondays. This past Monday, my Blog post was entitled Natural Home Remedies That Are Weird. The title, led to curiosity and more Monday views than I had received in quite some time.

Later in the week, I received a comment from Mary B, I did not ask permission to use her full name. Mary was thanking me for posting healthy recipes. She is a cancer survivor, and also requested some herbs that treat hypothyroidism. I assured her I would do so and within a few days of her request I emailed her some information.

I had been thinking about elevating my Blog to another level and considered dropping the health Blog and concentrating on cooking. When Mary made her comment, I realized that if the alternative medicine post helps just one person, I will have fulfilled my purpose for writing it in the first place.

We are all placed on this earth to fulfill a mission, I knew years ago, mine was to help people. Earlier in my life, I did so by become a Registered Nurse. After retirement, I still wanted to help, but in a way that would reach thousands of people. My Blog, has achieved that, I have readers from all over the world. Each week I get a report that shows the number of readers, and the names of the Countries they are signing in from.

Reading Mary’s comment my heart filled with gratitude and joy. It let me know that I had something worthwhile that could help people live healthier lifestyles in ways they are not have been familiar with. I realized, it was not about the numbers, it’s about sharing information that may help somebody.

Thinking back, I recall receiving a comment from a follower, when I first started my Blog, thanking me for a post about herbs and roots to help manage high blood pressure. The difference in that comment and Mary’s is my perception. You might say, well they were both the same, but how I thought about them is quite different.

When I received the first comment, I felt good that someone was paying attention to what I wrote. Reading Mary’s comments my heart filled with gratitude that I could help someone. The difference was me.

In the last few years, I have been working on myself, doing my inner or shadow work as it is sometimes called. I have come to realize that I cannot help others unless I have traveled my own path of healing and growth. The journey has not been easy, but definitely worthwhile. Because of the self-work I have done and traveling the path of healing, I am able to appreciate my ability to help others. I can feel appreciation, love, and gratitude that my light can shine to illuminate someone else’s path.

Taking another step on my journey, has allowed me to achieve another level, of who I am and why I am here. We are all born with a life purpose. There are those who will never know what their life purpose is. I am so grateful that I am one who does and will continue to fulfill it by sharing my knowledge with others.

I have received the kiss of LIFE!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings ❤️

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