white and pink flowers beside a canister

Wow! Wow! Wow! Created on January 20, 2020, janzplace2.com is turning three years old. First and foremost, I want to give gratitude to my followers for your loyalty, your comments, your suggestions, and your encouragement to keep pushing forward.

A few years after retiring I decided to start writing an autobiography, and I continue to actively work on that project today. Friends and family were always calling me about natural and holistic healing herbs and spices. I decided, there has to be a way to share this knowledge with others, and a bell went off in my head. The first post The Sisters Pause was published on January 20th, 2020. The Blog has been successful in reaching people all over the world and has grown in viewers and return viewers.

Prompted by a follower to post photos of the finished cooking dishes, I started adding finished dish photos. It has made a world of difference. In the past few weeks, I have started adding photos to all posts. As well I have plans to add additional features in the coming year.

Looking back on the initial posts which started weekly on Mondays as well as the format, the growth has been amazing in followers and content. janzplace2 is now published three times a week Health Monday, Cookin’ Thursday, and a featured author On Saturdays, Barron Broomfield.

My promise to all of you is I will continue to strive to give you the best information and presentation possible. I ask that you continue to provide comments and suggestions, it is greatly appreciated. It’s never too late to “Have A Dream” and achieve it!

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜

3 Thoughts on “HAVE A DREAM”

    • You are very welcome my friend. My gift is to share knowledge, if I don’t share, I am not living my purpose.

  • Love that you followed your dream sis and am an avid fan of your blog. I too have always kept a journal and had an itch to write. Perhaps 2023 will give me the opportunity.

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