glass jug with water and lime

Without a doubt you have heard that it is important to drink water, the standard 8 glasses of water per day has been touted as the recommended average. However, there is no evidence to support you should drink 8 glasses or 2 liters of water a day. Most people get enough water from the food and beverages they consume in a day.

All drinks which include tea, coffee, juice and pop contain water. For the majority of people drinking these beverages along with plain water makes up 70% to 80% of their total fluid intake. The remaining 20% to 30% of their fluid intake comes from food. The Insititute of Medicine of the National Academies determined adequate hydration in males is to drink 3.7 L of water in a day and females 2.7 L of water daily.

Water makes up 50% to 70% of your body weight, this percentage varies with age. No doubt your body needs water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to properly work. Water gets rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements. Water also keeps our temperature normal, lubricates and cushions joints, and protects sensitive tissues. So, it is essential that we replenish water loss through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements.

In the last year I have changed the way I drink water, which is important. Like many of you I used to grab a bottle of water and down it all at once. Of course, I had to urinate within an hour or so. That meant I eliminated most of the water I had just consumed. Our bodies need water to hydrate our cells, to assure more adequate hydration, I started to drink a few sips of water every hour, this allows the water I drink to actually hydrate my body.

The amount of water you should drink depends on several factors. The first is weight, individuals with larger bodies may require more fluid since over two-thirds of the adult body holds water. To determine a rough estimate of the amount of water you should drink daily, divide your weight by 2 and that will give you the number of ounces you need daily. For instance, I weigh 150 lbs. dividing that by 2, I should drink 75 ounces of water per day. Some days I drink more and some less, depending on other fluids and food I consume.

Additional factors are age, elderly people need less water, activity level, you need more water with challenging workouts, and sauna therapy. Diet plays an important role as high protein, sodium, or fiber-rich diets require more water. Where you live is a factor as hot, dry climates or elevated terrains require more water.

The state of your health is a factor as well, some medical conditions can increase fluid loss. Some examples are high blood sugar, fever, urinary tract infections, and intestinal conditions that cause vomiting or diarrhea. Some medications affect how much water an individual needs as well.

For most of us our normal drinking and eating patterns are adequate to meet our body’s water needs. In other words, if you drink water when you feel thirsty, you’re getting enough water. Unless your physician tells you otherwise, you don’t need to worry about your water intake.

As mentioned above there are foods with high water content, such as strawberries, watermelon, lettuce, celery, and peaches to name a few. Adding these to your diet will increase your water intake.

Before you start counting glasses, liters, or ounces, check out the color and frequency of your urine. Urinating every 90 minutes to two hours is normal. Your urine should be pale yellow in color, if it is dark amber and you’re urinating only every six hours or longer, you are not adequately hydrated. If your frequency is every 30 minutes and your urine is completely clear, you may be drinking too much water and it’s going straight through your body.

The bottom line is, in general if you don’t feel thirsty you are adequately hydrated. The best way is to listen to your body, it will let you know, I need water. Although you can get water from various beverages and food, plain water is the healthiest form of water intake. If you have been counting how many glasses, ounces, or liters you drink, stop, look and listen to your body!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings 💖

2 Thoughts on “How Much Water Should You Drink ?”

  • Good information sis. I was an inductee into the 8 glasses of water a day mind set. Nice to know that it’s not problematic when I don’t meet this number!

  • Just had this conversation with someone about water! No idea where the 8 glasses came from 🙂

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