person holding clear glass pitcher

This is the final coffee Blog, at least, in this series. In the previous Blog, the discussion was benefits of decaf coffee and a few side effects were also stated. No doubt decaffeinated coffee has side effects. Let’s look at a few.

As with regular coffee decaffeinated may cause heart complications, by increasing LDL (bad cholesterol). The chemicals used to extract caffeine from coffee beans, has proven to be carcinogenic. Consumption of decaf coffee was also linked to increasing the risk to development rheumatoid arthritis. Odd thing is, that link was not found in regular coffee.

Decaf has been noted to increase gastrin concentrations, gastrin is the hormone producing stomach acid. Excess release of gastrin leads to acidity symptoms. Both regular and decaf coffee slow iron absorption. Regular and decaffeinated coffee appear to have a bit of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Is decaf better? It all comes down to choice, if you are restricted to caffeine for any reason most certainly you should be drinking decaf. As the kids say, “you do you Boo”. Allow me to introduce you to another option.

There is another alternative and that is making your own coffee. Yes, taking the time to make your own coffee, an advantage is you would know exactly what is in it. Who knows, you make actually like it.

Below is a recipe for Natural Decaf Coffee:

INGREDIENTS (coffee powder)

100 grams of garbanzo beans

30 grams of chicory powder


  1. Dry roast the garbanzo beans on low flame for 15 minures.
  2. Turn off the flame once their color changes slightly.
  3. Allow them to cool down completely.
  4. Blend into a fine powder and add the chicory powder to this fine blended powder.
  5. Store the powder for a month in an airtight container.


  1. Boil 1/2 cup of water and add a cup of milk to it.
  2. Add 1.5 – 2 tablespoons of coffee powder and stir it well.
  3. Add sugar or sweetener.
  4. Enjoy

Please let me know if you try this and your opinion of it. I am curious and will be making some.

Until next time,

Love, Peace, and Blessings 💖