clear glass container with coconut oil

Over the years coconut oil has been misstated as being a deadly saturated fat, and many people still have that belief. Coconut oil which more and more people are using for cooking, is a good fat with healing properties. I will share some of those with you today.

Coconut oil has MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides), a type of saturated fat. Scientists are studying MCT’s for their potential health benefits, 65% of the fats in coconut oil are MCT. It has been discovered MCT act as a natural skin conditioner, deeply moisturizing and penetrating the skin. Coconut oil also protects against environmental and free radical damage by preventing excessive water loss from the skin. Another benefit is its ability to help anti-aging, eczema, and provide some protection from the UV rays of the sun.

Are you experiencing dry dull hair, try coconut oil to provide nutrients to your hair. The fatty acid conditions hair from the inside of the strands out. As well it provides protein, eliminates dandruff and aids in hair regrowth by strengthening it.

Are you stressed out or have a headache? Try rubbing coconut oil on your head and gently massage it into your scalp to help remove mental fatigue. Coconut oil has a soothing natural aroma which relaxes you.

The MCT’s in coconut oil may also give you a quick source of energy, because they go straight to your liver and become a rapid energy supply. In the same way as carbs your body’s preferred source of energy. A little-known fact is MCT’s have been used in sports nutrition products for athletes who need a source of energy their bodies can absorb and use quickly.

Because of a property lauric acid found in its MCT, coconut oil has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. Lauric acid makes up about 50% of the MCT’s found in coconut oil. Its antimicrobial effects fight against diseases like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, and Heliobacter pylori.

Lauric acid also acts as a bacteriostatic agent, a substance which destroys some bacteria. Aside from that it may stop the growth of microorganisms harmful to plants.

Oil pulling has become a much-used process to promote dental health. Oil pulling is swishing coconut oil around in your mouth, as you would mouthwash. Again, thanks to the antibacterial properties of lauric acid, coconut oil pulling significantly reduces the number of harmful bacteria in your mouth. Another benefit of this process is the lauric acid in coconut oil reacts with saliva to form a soap like substance that prevents cavities and reduces plaque buildup and gum inflammation. In no way should you replace this with your regular dental therapy, but it helps to reduce dental issues.

The jury is still out regarding MCT’s ability to reduce food intake and therefore promoting weight loss. A portion of MCT’s when eaten, break down producing ketones. The popular ketone diet promotes not eating carbs but eating lots of fat. Because of this, the body use ketones for fuel. However, studies done have shown coconut oil may not have any better effect than other oils.

I was familiar with some of the benefits I have discussed when it comes to coconut oil, but the fact it may help to reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, caused my jaw to drop! Alzheimer’s reduces your brain’s ability to use glucose for energy. Researchers believe that ketones can offset early signs of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s by providing an alternative energy source for brain cells.

Lastly, coconut oil in recent years has been declared to be beneficial for heart health. Some evidence suggests it may lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels. The evidence is conflicting for the most part due to the studies themselves. Some have compared coconut oil with other saturated vegetable fats, while others compared it with saturated animal fats, like butter. In that case coconut oil won out over butter, however the American Heart Association has determined that increases in HDL caused by diet or drug therapy do not appear to be directly linked to changes that increase the risk of heart disease.

I can only speak to my own experience using coconut oil and another saturated vegetable-based fat, avocados. I use one or the other and most of the time both on a daily basis. I am healthy and take no meds except vitamin D, my cholesterol levels this year was high. However, it was related to my good cholesterol being high, the bad was within normal limits.

If you are a follower, you already know what I am going to say next. Do not stop any medications that you are currently taking, especially if you are taking meds that lower cholesterol. Call your pharmacist who is aware of all meds you take and the side effects of them. Get their take on using coconut oil, if you get the green light, step on the gas and use more coconut oil!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤️

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