It’s that time of year again, cold and flu season is upon us. Many of you will be beating down the doors of the drug stores to buy multiple products to combat symptoms. In reality most of the products do just that, control your symptoms.

There are many natural ways that actually rid your body of colds and flu while boosting your immune system. Some of them will be familiar to you, but check out the others you have never heard of.

I am sure everyone has used this first one probably not knowing why it helps. It is simply a matter of osmosis, water follows salt. When you gargle with salt water it pulls viral fluids from the throat area. Dissolve 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt in 8 ounces of warm water, gargle 1 to 2x a day. You should do this as soon as you start feeling sick.

Honey is not only soothing to a sore throat but works as a cough suppressant as well. Honey soothes irritated mucous membranes which prompts the cough. CVS sells a natural product Live Better Cough Syrup. It has a blend of dark honey’s, vitamin C and zinc. There are also no artificial ingredients, dyes, or flavors added. There is also a Children’s Cough Syrup for kids over 12 months.

As a child whenever we had chest congestion we were treated with sliced onions. We were rubbed down with Vic’s vapo rub, then slices of onion were placed on the chest and held in place with a binder. The next morning the congestion was gone. Onion pulls toxins from your body. Once a month I slice an onion, put it on the soles of my feet, hold it in place with a sock and go to sleep. The next morning the onion is soft and darkened in color with toxins pulled out of my body.

I use ginger frequently when I cook. It is a known anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. I boil ginger root and make a tea with honey and lemon added. Eating ginger is great but the best way to get the full affect is to take a ginger shot. You can get one at your local juice store or juice a knob of ginger yourself.

Elderberry, a fruit grown from the elder tree has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown taking elderberry syrup can shorten colds and flus, and relieve sinus infections.

Propolis was a new one on me, I had never heard of it nor was I familiar with what it was. Bees make honey but they also make propolis. It is the substance made by bees to seal their hives. It is anti-viral and anti-bacteria. It can be ordered from Beekeeper’s Naturals.

There is power in plants. There are many essential oils for colds and flus but two that are readily available are Eucalyptus and Peppermint oil. Eucalyptus oil has antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Peppermint oil is a natural decongestant and reduces fever. When applying these oils topically be sure to use a carrier oil.

The one thing I routinely add when I am cooking is garlic. It is a powerful antioxidant that has antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibiotic properties. Garlic also has minerals, enzymes, vitamin C, sulphur, and selenium. A plus to add to your daily diet.

Another common remedy is homemade bone broth or chicken soup. Bone broth contains anti-inflammatory amino acids and is full of vitamins and minerals. Make it from scratch. Whenever I roast a chicken, I boil the carcass down and save the broth in glass jars. Easy to store in your fridge.

An Epsom salt bath can work wonders. Again osmosis comes into play. The minerals cause the toxins in your body to be released in the bath. Its not only relaxing but detoxifying.

The last thing is sleep. Your body needs rest in order to heal. Get plenty of rest and stay hydrated for a faster recovery. This cold and flu season you may want to try some of these natural remedies.