dark coral on stony reef in shallow sea

As I approach the age of 73, next month, I find myself having episodes of “senior moments”, as they are called. I look frantically for my glasses, only to realize they are sitting on the top of my head or walking from one room to the other and can’t recall the reason why I was going there. No, I don’t have dementia, just aging brain cells, I have always been an avid reader which helps to keep my brain engaged. Aside from that, I play games and Brain IQ daily to enhance my brain health.

One of the biggest concerns of older adults today is dementia, which classifies several disorders by cognitive deterioration. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates there are around 10 million new cases of dementia diagnosed all over the world.

However, don’t stress out yet, researchers have found there are some natural ways you can decrease your chances of developing this dreaded disease in the future.

One of the ways suggested that I feel great about is a brain-healthy diet, which I already follow. It is recommended to consume a diet that is low in cholesterol, sugar, and saturated fat. It is also encouraged to increase dietary fiber, whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nutrients.

Also drinking fresh pressed fruit and vegetable juices at least three times weekly can decrease your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia. Using berries, bananas, and leftover vegetables, all non-GMO of course, and various juices, I make smoothies that I drink for breakfast or lunch.

Eating fish is another way to boost your brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon, mackerel, and sardines strengthen cell membranes in the brain and slow neurological degeneration. A diet low in refined sugar is essential to keep your brain healthy and happy as you age. Another meal I eat for breakfast is avocado toast. I mash an avocado, mix in black pepper, paprika, and a little turmeric, and spread it on whole-grain toasted bread. I also slice an avocado and sprinkle black pepper, paprika, and turmeric. I eat it with two boiled eggs, sliced in half and sprinkled with the same spices. 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric a day decreases brain inflammation, dissolves the buildup of protein in the brain, and fights the development of free radicals. It is mild in flavor and added to soups and stews.

There are certain vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids essential for brain health. Vitamins B-12, C, D, and E plus thiamine and folic acid are important for a healthy brain. Minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and selenium are essential as well. Calcium in the brain helps carry messages between nerve cells. Magnesium’s job is to regulate impulses in the brain to improve memory. Amino acids, tryptophan, and tyrosine support brain functions. Omega-3 has already been acknowledged.

I enjoy sipping on wine, especially red wines, which are healthy for the heart. However, it is important to consume alcohol in moderation. Moderate drinking for women is one drink a day, and two for men. But beware recent studies have indicated that even moderate drinking can increase your chances of developing dementia. It is best to stay well below the moderation limits.

Let’s talk about how exercise is beneficial for dementia prevention. Exercise improves many health conditions and is beneficial to the brain because it increases blood flow to the brain and reduces the risk of cardiovascular conditions associated with vascular dementia.

Try to learn something new daily to exercise your brain. I recently joined Duo-Lingo to learn Spanish. Learning an additional language delays the onset of dementia and contributes to a healthier brain. Most public libraries offer free online subscriptions to paid language-learning sites. Playing computer games stimulate your brain as well.

Another activity I practice daily is meditation, which is extremely beneficial for brain health. People who meditate have a better-developed hippocampus. The hippocampus the first brain area affected by dementia is stimulated by meditation. High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, increases dementia risk. Meditation decreases cortisol levels in the body. Just 10 or 20 minutes at the beginning or end of your day, just sitting quietly in contemplation, reduces your risk of developing dementia.

As someone who is an ex-smoker, I can testify to how difficult it is to quit. It took me three attempts before I finally quit cold turkey. Smokers are 45 percent more likely to develop nonsmokers. Use a patch or hypnosis to assist you to stop smoking.

The bottom line is if you can’t remember shite, now is the time to incorporate the techniques, and diet discussed above to prevent brain deterioration. I practice them all, so I have no fear that my now-and-then “senior moments” are plain old forgetfulness, due to my brain trying to think about multiple things at one time, and not related to dementia.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings💖