Welcome to part two of the Health Benefits of Egg Shells. Most of the the healthy tips I wrote about last week I had never heard of. This week however is another story. I have used the majority of these unique and useful uses for egg shells.

Tossing eggshells in with your coffee grounds will give the coffee a sweeter taste. If you are a coffee drinker who dislikes the bitter taste of coffee, you can boil eggshells and place them in your coffee. Let it steep to kill some of the bitter flavor.

I grow a garden every year and this time of the year is when I prepare it. No I’m not outside in the cold digging around. Preparation is key to a healthy garden. I save eggshells, coffee grounds, and Epsom salts in, what else, coffee cans. In the Spring at planting time, I put some of the mixture in the hole before I place the plant. The mixture gives the plant all the nutrients it needs. Calcium (eggshells), nitrogen (coffee grounds), and magnesium (Epsom salts). Tomatoes and peppers are especially fond of this combination.

Do you have unwanted pests in your garden? Eggshells are your friend. Sprinkle broken eggshells around the garden, slugs and other soft shelled pests don’t like crawling over sharp shells. They will definitely vacate your garden.

My indoor plants are radiant. I put eggshells and water in milk jugs and water my plants with it. I use the same mixture for starting garden plants that I will transplant to the garden in Spring.

If you have a compost pile, toss in the eggshells, they will break down and create a fine compost for your plants. As well adding eggshells to your potting soil will produce better plants.

We all need a pot scrubber every now and then. Save up your eggshells and you will never need to purchase another pot scrubber. Simply throw the eggshells in the pot with warm soapy water. The eggshells will break up and become abrasive to remove the dirt.

I am in two fraternal organizations that require me to wear white. White often becomes dingy. It just so happens eggshells can help with that problem. Place eggshells in a lingerie bag with some lemon slices. Wash in a cycle with whites. They will no longer be dingy!

For your dull knives, place eggshells in the freezer until they are hard. When frozen solid, run your knives across them to create a sharper edge. Be sure the eggshells are very hard.

Eggshells are useful in stopping toothaches. If you can’t get in to visit your dentist right away, soothe your toothache with eggshells. Mix equal parts eggshells and comfrey root and apply to sore spots on your gums or tooth.

The last unique use for eggshells I have to offer today is clearing your drains. Omit the expensive, strong, and poisonous chemicals to clear out drains. Eggshells will do the job. Crush them and place in your sink basket. As the water runs, each time egg shells will move along with the water into pipes and reach your drains. They will act as a cleanser to remove grease and accumulated dirt.

I do hope you have learned something in this series about eggshells. You now have multiple reasons not to throw them away like garbage. I did try the facial mask, it left my skin feeling super clean and soft as a baby’s butt. The power is in all the collagen eggshells have. I will make that a part of my beauty regimen.

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