None of us are getting any younger and our bodies remind us daily. There are multiple over-the-counter treatments available, however, those treatments come with side effects. Just watch the ads, the list is lengthy, most common stomach upset. Let’s examine some natural remedies that are effective and free of side effects.

The most common cause of body aches and muscle aches are the Itis family (brothers Art, and Bur, and sister Ten). Arthritis, Bursitis, and Tendonitis have wreaked havoc on many of our bodies. Other causes of body aches and pain can be overuse of muscles, illnesses, and fibromyalgia. Several at-home natural remedies will hold them at bay.

Turmeric, a spice with a distinctive flavor is commonly used in Indian cooking. A compound of turmeric, curcumin has been shown to reduce pain, including diabetic neuropathy, and sciatica. I incorporate turmeric into my diet daily. I sprinkle turmeric on my boiled eggs, avocado, paprika, and black pepper. You can find turmeric tea at your local grocery store.

Heat therapy soothes sore muscles and reduces back pain. It does so by opening up constricted blood vessels. The increase in blood flow is beneficial for reducing stiff joints. Until I visited a chiropractic doctor, I had no idea that you should alternate heat therapy with cold therapy. Cold therapy alleviates swelling, inflammation, and pain caused by injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, sciatica, and other conditions.

Feeling stressed or anxious? If so, your muscles may tense up and spasm. A nice relaxing massage is relaxing and assists in stress reduction. Massaging a cramping muscle can help the muscle to release.

If you are experiencing fatigue start practicing self-care. Taking care of your body and brain can be highly beneficial for improving energy and mood. Some suggestions are regular exercise, establishing a good sleep routine, and reducing or eliminating alcohol, especially at night. Stay hydrated and reduce stress with meditation or yoga. YouTube University, lol, has multiple classes available.

Attempt to treat your body aches and fatigue utilizing the suggested remedies. However, I wish to make it clear if you are not getting better or your pain worsens, please consult your physician.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings💖

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