These cleaning hacks presented below will leave you astounded. The best thing is they are all natural and don’t leave a chemical trail. Try some of them, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Who hasn’t been ironing a blouse or shirt, only to accidentally scorch it? The brown gunk sticks to your iron. Clean your iron easily. You will need a sheet of paper, table salt, and a damp cloth. Sprinkle a generous amount of salt onto the paper and run the hot iron over it a couple of times. Unplug the iron, let it cool, and wipe the dirt off with the damp towel. The dirt and grime will stick to the salt.

A combo of baking soda and vinegar will restore the finish on a scorched pan. You will need water, white vinegar, baking soda, and your stove. Fill the bottom of the pan with water, add 1 cup of vinegar and bring to a boil. Remove the pan from heat and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Let it fizz, dump out the mixture and scour as usual. For any resistant spots, apply a baking soda and water paste. Let it sit, and then clean.

I dearly love my cast iron skillets, they cook like no other pan can. If your skillet has started to lose its luster, try this. Aside from your skillet you will need kosher salt, a sponge, a little vegetable oil, and a paper towel. Rinse the skillet in the sink while it is still hot. Sprinkle kosher salt into the pan, and scrub with the sponge. Rinse off the salt and dry the pan on the stove to prevent rust. Wipe with a swipe of oil.

Like me, many of you may have a self cleaning oven. When I am going to use mine, I leave home, because of the odor. I haven’t tried this technique yet, but have no doubt I will when I need to clean my oven again. Items needed; vinegar, baking soda, water, a damp rag, and a spray bottle. Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda and water until it forms a paste. Remove the oven racks and spread the paste over the interior evenly. Let it stand overnight. Use a damp rag the next morning to wipe off the paste. Fill the spray bottle with vinegar and spray the area. A reaction will occur that causes it to foam. Wipe down the oven.

I use a combination of coffee grounds, egg shells, and Epsom salts when I plant my garden as fertilizer. Other than making a pot of coffee, that was the extent of my experience with coffee grounds. Try using the grounds to deodorize your refrigerator instead of baking soda. Place a bowl of coffee grounds in the fridge to eliminate odor, change monthly. Also keep a bowl at your kitchen sink and rub some over your hands to get rid of onion, fish, and garlic odors. To scare away ants, snails, or slugs sprinkle coffee grounds, they can’t stand the strong smell.

Make a natural air freshener by adding vodka and water in a spray bottle. A 1:3 ratio makes a pleasant neutral scent in your home. Vodka can also be used to wipe down and disinfect many things. Protect your houseplants by dabbing the leaves with a vodka soaked cotton ball to keep away aphids ( plant lice). Do you have difficulty keeping the caulking in your bathroom clean? Fill a spray bottle with vodka, spritz it liberally over the area, let it sit for a few minutes and wipe clean. Also works to remove soap scum. Wipe down your bathroom mirror to remove grime and it removes the glue left by stickers and labels. Needless to say if you are using Vodka to clean, buy the cheapest.

Oops! Just dropped a glass and its shattered all over the floor. The next time you have that experience, try using a piece of bread. Yes, that’s right bread. You will need two slices of bread, a plastic bag and a little peanut butter. Use the first slice of bread like a sponge to pick up small pieces and slivers of glass. Spread a little peanut butter and put it on the glassy piece. The peanut butter will adhere the slices together and prevent shards of glass from falling out. Place the bread in a plastic bag and dispose of it.

Last year I published a blog about using essential oils to clean with. Citrus was featured in a few of the cleaning recipes. Use grapefruit and salt to clean your bathtub. Sprinkle a half grapefruit liberally with salt. wet the bathtub and sprinkle 1/4 cup salt around the perimeter. Use the grapefruit to scrub the tub. Be sure to squeeze a little over the drain and faucet. Rinse with warm water. Not only will your tub be clean but will smell as if you are in a spa.

My home is full of wood molding, and doors. I have a dining room suit that is also wood. Cleaning it can be a hassle and some cleaners give it that dried out look. A natural wood furniture polish made a huge difference. Combine 1/4 cup olive oil with a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar. Dip a rag into the mixture and wipe down your wood. The vinegar draws out the dirt while the oil keeps the wood from getting dried out.

Make a toilet bowl cleaner using baking soda, tea tree oil, and vinegar. Sprinkle 1/2 cup baking soda into the toilet bowl, add 10 drops of tea tree oil, and a splash of distilled white vinegar. Let it fizz for a few minutes, scrub, and flush.

I didn’t have the opportunity to try the grapefruit and salt on my bathtub but will certainly do so this week. I encourage you to try some of these and see how they work for you.

Peace, Love, and Blessings