dreaming charming black woman leaning on table

Are you one of the 40% of Americans who experience insomnia? Or perhaps you will be among the 30% predicted to suffer from the condition at some time during their lifetime. We are aware of the usual remedies to improve your sleep quality, like daily exercise, having a sleep schedule, and no caffeine after 6 p.m. Aside from the quality and quantity of sleep you get, it is now known your sleep position is another factor to consider. Scientists have determined sleeping on your left side has more health benefits than sleeping on your right side, back, or belly. Let me share with you some of those benefits.

Dr. David A. Johnson of Eastern Virginia Medical School published a study in the Journal of Enterology that stated there is a correlation between reduced reflux time and lying on your left side, thus reducing heartburn. Lying on the right-side aggravated heartburn.

Lying on your left side allows food to empty easier from the large colon to the descending colon. Our stomachs and pancreas lie on the left side and lying on that side allow them to hang naturally. Do you suffer from neck or back pain? If so, sleeping on your side can help alleviate pain by taking the strain off your back. On your side the spine stays aligned, it is advised to draw your legs up and place a pillow between your legs for the most benefit.

The benefits I have discussed thus far were known to me, however, this next health benefit threw me for a loop. A study in the Journal of Science stated sleeping on your side helps clear neurological waste that leads to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease.

Every woman who has ever been pregnant can relate to how uncomfortable it is in the last trimester. It is advised to sleep on your side at that time for two reasons. The first is to provide better blood flow to the baby and the second is to prevent the uterus from pressing against the liver. As well there is a condition called supine hypotensive syndrome which causes nausea, hypotension, and dizziness in pregnant women.

Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea is another condition improved by lying on your side. It decreases the frequency of obstructive respiratory episodes.

In conclusion, if you have any of these conditions, or know someone who does, share this information. I have been sleeping on my left side for years, some place and time during my journey to find natural and holistic approaches to healing, I heard it was the best. I have no complaints, with the exception of getting up for my nightly bathroom run, I sleep soundly.

Until next time,

Love, Peace, and Blessings💖

One Thought on “Your Sleep Position Affects Your Health”

  • Good information. I have always slept on my side, will now make a concerted effort to ensure it’s the left.

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