We are living in stressful times and have all experienced a change in our routines. In addition to Covid 19 we are also experiencing the stress and anxiety of the Presidential election.

Those of you who follow me know my mantra “let your food be your medicine”. There are foods that will help boost your mood. They may not rid you of your depression, anxiety, and stress, but they will certainly help.

Neurotransmitters found in our brains allow neurons to communicate with each other. In other words they are the message carriers. The neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, GABA, and acetylcholine play a role in our mood. An imbalance of these neurotransmitters produce anxiety and depression. Lets explore some foods that may help.

Whole grains or carbohydrates have long been touted the enemy of weight loss. The truth of the matter is our brains need carbohydrates. Whole grains contain tryptophan, an amino acid that produces serotonin, and melatonin. Both reduce mood swings, depression, and anxiety.

Dark chocolate, something I eat several times a week contains tyrosine which increases dopamine production. It also releases endorphins the feel good hormones that reduce pain and stimulate the pleasure center in our brains. The darker the chocolate, the better.

Blueberries are considered to be a superfood. They are high in antioxidants and help decrease levels of stress and anxiety. The vitamin C found in blueberries decreases cortisol, the hormone that increases stress. An additional benefit of blueberries is they are 85% water. Water is essential for ultimate brain function. Dehydration results in a poor mood and anxiety.

Walnuts are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, EPA, and DHA, which reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. They also contain protein. The tryptophan in walnuts increase serotonin levels, which assists us in feeling relaxed, calm, and happy.

The fruit avocado, yes it is a fruit, not a vegetable, also contain tryptophan to boost our relaxation. Cell death is another cause of depression. The Omega 3’s in avocado decrease cell death. The protein in avocado triggers dopamine production.

If you read my blog last week on the health benefits of spinach, you are aware of the vitamins and minerals it packs. The magnesium found in spinach is very beneficial in decreasing anxiety by controlling your cortisol levels. One cup pf spinach gives you 4% of your daily magnesium needs.

Known as brain food, fish can decrease anxiety and improve your mood. Omega 3 fatty acids like salmon and albacore boost cognitive function. As noted earlier tryptophan, found in fish is a mood booster.

Chickpeas which I regularly consume in the form of hummus, provides many benefits for the brain and overall health. Vitamin B1 found in chickpeas are linked directly to improved mood and increased cognitive function. Chickpeas also contain tryptophan that produces serotonin, improving your mood and the ability to sleep.

Greek yogurt is a sustainable source of energy. It is also a great source of protein which produces the neurotransmitters, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Both decrease anxiety and depression.

Eggs are high in B vitamins that are necessary to decrease the severity of depressive symptoms. Don’t avoid the yolk, all the nutrients are found there. Eggs are also high in protein.

You should consume a diet of whole foods, get adequate exercise, and rest. That combination is good to lift your mood as well. Be good to your brain and body, it will be beneficial in the end.

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