assorted plants on brown wooden crates

Healing herbs or medicinal plants can be collected from the wild or grown intentionally for their medicinal value. A plant’s leaves, bark, stems, roots, seeds, and flowers can create herbal remedies. Before pharmaceuticals came into existence, medicinal plants were used to treat or relieve certain health conditions.

The medicinal plants and herbs I will share with you today are not all of them, but this will give you a general idea. I have used healing herbs for years, as I am opposed to using pharmaceuticals unless it is absolutely necessary. To be clear herbal remedies are not the cure-all, and may have side effects and risks. As well they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Ashwagandha has become well-known in the past few years, the root extract has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical system. It has been used for anxiety, stress, aging, insomnia, and other conditions brought on by stress. It is an adaptogen, a substance that may help the body resist stress. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Roman chamomile, also known as English chamomile contains terpenoids, an organic chemical that is naturally produced by plants. Flavonoids also found in Roman chamomile have powerful antioxidants, with immune system benefits and antiinflammatory properties. It is used to make, tea, creams, ointments, and and extracts from the white and yellow parts of the flower. The flower heads are dried, and then used to make teas and powders. Many people, including myself drink chamomile tea for its relaxing properties and calming effects on the digestive system.

Echinaechea is a plant in the daisy family, because it is native to North America, it is abundant in the United States. It contains several compounds, alkamides, glycoproteins, polysaccharides, and antioxidants. These compounds provide health benefits such as anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory (modifies the immune system), reduces anxiety, antimicrobial, and antiinflammatory properties. Echinaechea tea is popular.

Garlic, something I use almost daily, contains the compound allicin, which gives it medicinal properties. Garlic has antiinflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. It may also protect the heart, liver, immune system, and digestive system. It can be eaten raw, cooked, or taken as a supplement.

Ginger has a leafy stem and yellow-green flowers, and is native to Asia and India. This spice comes from the underground stem of the plant. Over 2000 years ago, ginger was so valuable that a pound of it was equal to the cost of a sheep. Common ailments that may be treated with ginger are, nausea, pain, and vomiting. It has antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties. I boil ginger root and make a tea, I have found it to be a decongestent for head and chest colds.

Gingko biloba, known as gingko is native to Asia. The leaves of the plant are used to create extracts, capsules and tablets. It has been used for thousands of years to treat bronchitis, asthma, chronic fatigue, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Some people believe it has strong brain-boosting properties as well.

Ginseng is a well known herb with several health benefits. It has been called the man-root because it is shaped like a person, there are multipe types of ginseng. American ginseng, panax quinquefolius, is a native of our deciduous forrests. Asian ginseng, Panax ginseng is native to China, Korea, and Eastern Siberia. It has been used for 1,000 of years in traditional Chinese medicine. It has antiinflammatory, anticancer, antiobesity, and antiviral properties. It has also been shown to reduce blood sugar levels and improve diabetes treatment. Ginseng is also an anti-aging herb, as it supports brain health in older adults. Ginseng has also been found to reduce pain.

Lavendar has been used for centuries for everything from aromatherapy to medicinal purposes. It was tradtionally used to treat insect bites, burns, wound care and to protect against certain diseases. Lavendar is known to promote sleep, I have a lavendar plant in my bedroom, as well it improves memory, relieves pain, and uplifts your mood. Other health benefits include, anticonvulsant, antioxident, and antiinflammatory properties. Lavendar essential oil has been found to relieve arthritis, joint pain,headaches, back pain and menstrual cramps. Lavendar is available in dried herb, powder, and essential oil. It is used in shampoos, creams and lotions, due to its soothing scent. Plant lavendar in your flower garden, it is beautiful and smells so good.

Saint-Johns wort,a plant with yellow flowers, is native to Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. It was traditionally used 1,000″s of years ago to treat insomnia, wound treatment, depression, kidney, and lung conditions. Today it is used used as a remedy to treat depression. It is also used to treat menopausal symptoms, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and skin conditions. Topically it is used to promote wound healing, and reduce muscle pain. It is available in dry, oil, and liquid forms, including capsules, tinctures, and elixirs.

Turmeric, native to South Asia, is a herbaceous and perennial plant, that belongs to the ginger family. It has been used over 4,000 years for its medicinal properties. It has antibacterial, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and anticancer properties. In Ayurveda, and other traditional medical systems, it is used for upper respiratory infections, the digestive system, and skin problems. Turmeric is widely used worldwide in cooking, I frequently use it, especially in Indian dishes, stews, and soups. Turmeric supplements are made from the underground stem. Turmeric paste can be applied topically to treat certain skin conditions.

In conclusion, if you are taking any kind of medication, for any reason, please consult your physician before using any of these herbs and plants for medicinal purposes. Possible interactions may occur.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤️