Fats, are they healthy? Believe it or not there are healthy fats. So many people make a concerted effort to reduce the sugar in their diets, in order to lose weight. For the most part healthy fats are overlooked. The mindset is eliminating fat from your diet will reduce your weight. I recently had my annual physical with my physician. I don’t have any health issues, and take no medications, so I do the annual thing. I do the poop screening ,mammogram, and blood work. I also do my monthly self breast exam, if any of you including males are unfamiliar with this, please google, or You Tube and start doing them. Its a simple process, done monthly, and no hassle to perform.

As those of you who have been following me for awhile know, I eat healthy, do no fast food, and cook from scratch. Well, I am here to tell you it has paid off for me. My total cholesterol was high, however, that was because my good cholesterol, ( HDL) was so high! It was 104, above 50 is the average. At the same time my bad cholesterol LDL was 64, below 100 is the average.

Cholesterol and triglycerides are related to heart disease. It is of ultimate importance that you keep it under control. It’s really not difficult. Y’all know I don’t eat fast food, I’m single but I cook fresh food and am cognizant of what I buy and where it came from. For instance I will go out of my way to find non GMO produce. Watermelon, grapes, and cherries should all have seeds that is their natural state. Those that are seedless are genetically modified ( GMO).

Lets discuss healthy fats, I eat them daily for the most part. If I am travelling I may not get them as I would please, but overall my diet is all inclusive of healthy fat. My normal breakfast, if I am at home, consists of 2 slices bacon (broiled), eggs,( sometimes boiled, other times scrambled using olive oil and an entire avocado with fresh black, and cayenne pepper. At times I will have grits ( old fashioned of course).

There are more healthy fats than I will discuss today, check your best friend google for more. Salmon which I absolutely adore is a powerful heart healthy fat. It is an antioxidant, which means it fights off infection. As well it is a good source of omega 3’s, protein, and Vitamin B complex, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 , and B12. Most of us don’t get enough of the B vitamins. If you are a smoker you are destroying any Vitamin B you may have. Salmon also assists in thyroid function, joint inflammation, and healthy skin. You should eat at least two servings of salmon per week. Check out last Thursday’s post for a delicious salmon recipe.

Flaxseed is another good source of omega 3, an antioxidant, and may help prevent diabetes. Flax seed is available as seeds, oil, powder, capsules, and flour. It is also helpful in the treatment of high cholesterol, and cancer.

Coconut is another healthy fat, you can enjoy it by scraping out the meat, ( known as the kernel) or as a milk, or cooking oil. Believe it or not coconut burns fat. Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides that increase how many calories you burn. Coconut oil is also good for your skin and hair. If you have type two diabetes coconut oil will reduce it naturally. Coconut water, which of course is plant based, refuels and replenishes your body without the sugar found in sports drinks.

Olive oil, which I use daily is my preference for an oil. Olive oil is a prominent staple in the Mediterranean diet, the longevity of people in the region is phenomenal. Another antioxidant, olive oil is another source to battle infections. Olive oil also regulates blood sugar, improves insulin sensitivity, and reduces type 2 diabetes by 50%. It also curbs appetites. Olive oil also can slow the progression of brain disease like Alzheimers. As well it assists in the absorption of calcium which definitely prevents osteoporosis. I drink 1 tbsp. of a concoction every morning that consists of water, olive, oil, lemon, and honey. I posted the recipe a few weeks ago, entitled, Drink this Cocktail Every Morning. I explain in that post the benefit of each of the ingredients and the power they have when combined.

Avocado, I eat a whole one almost daily, is a unique fruit. Yes it is a fruit that is high in healthy fats. The most popular avocado is Hass, the one I seek. Avocado is abundant with nutrients such as Vitamin K, folate(iron), Vitamin C, potassium. Vitamin B5, B6, and E. In addition, they contain small amounts of magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorous, and vitamins A, B1, (thiamine), B2 riboflavin, and B3(niacin). They also contain more potassium than a banana.

My physician, and I always have the same conversation, he is in awe that at my age I am so healthy and states I make his day at my visit. Make an effort and you can do the same. I in no way consider the way I eat a diet, it is a lifestyle. As I told my physician, I don’t know what God’s plan is but my plan is to live to be 100 years of age. His response, “You are well on your way” He also stated he would not be my physician at that time as he would be retired. My response was, I would look him up wherever I am and let him know I made it! Take care of yourself and you may too!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings!!!