photo of lemon in drinking glass with water

Elderly women sitting on the porch sipping on ice-cold lemonade while gossiping about everybody in the neighborhood come to mind when thinking of lemonade. Little did they know how healthy that was as lemons are considered a superfood due to all the health benefits they provide.

Lemons naturally flush toxins from your body, improve oxygen delivery to cells, prevent dehydration, aid digestion, prevent and treat infection, boost your mood, and improves sleep. That’s only a few of the health benefits of lemons. Studies have proven and the health benefits of lemons have been well documented.

The fruit of the lemon contains cancer-fighting compounds called limonoids. Liminoids cause cancer cells to die off, one liminoid called a limonin stays in your body for up to 24 hours. The peel and pulp of the lemon contain pectin, a soluble fiber made of healthy sugars and fiber. Modified citrus pectin was shown to help the progression of advanced prostate cancer in men. It was also found to prevent and treat melanoma, colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

Lemons are packed with vitamin C and like other fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease. Citrus flavonoids and fiber found in lemons, greatly reduce factors of heart disease. The polyphenols in lemons may help reduce body weight and fat accumulation.

If you are plagued with gallstones or kidney stones you may want to add lemon water to your diet. The citric acid found in lemons increases urine flow and pH, creating an environment that prevents the formation of stones. Lemons contain about ten percent carbohydrates, mainly made up of fiber and simple sugars. Fiber improves your gut health by slowing the digestion of sugar and starches, resulting in a reduction of blood sugar. Other compounds in lemons stimulate the liver to produce enzymes and assist the stomach and gallbladder to use them.

Before you start drinking lemon water in excess be aware drinking too much lemon water can cause some ill effects. Too much can harm your tooth enamel and the high acidity of lemons can erode your dental enamel. Also, using lemon concentrate or drinking lemon water with added sugar can produce cavities.

Most people will have no issue drinking lemon water, however, if you have a sensitive stomach you may be at risk for irritation and pain. Do not drink lemon water if you have a stomach ulcer, that would increase the pain.

I order lemons on the side when dining out because I don’t know if the lemon rind has been thoroughly cleaned. The Journal of Environmental Health conducted a study in 2007 of lemon rinds. 70 percent of lemon rinds in restaurants were found to be contaminated with organisms like ecoli, which could cause extreme illness. I make my lemon water using the rind but thoroughly wash the lemons before using them.

Add this superfood to your diet and reap the multiple health benefits, there are many more not noted. Just remember too much of a good thing is never good!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings ❤️