I am an advocate of natural healing, long before Big Pharma came along, herbs, roots, honey, and spices were used to treat illnesses or conditions. In researching natural remedies, I ran across the information I am going to share with you today. Trust me they are definitely weird but worth trying.

Stop an ear infection before it starts by lying on your side and filling your ear with one cap of hydrogen peroxide. Allow it to sit and bubble for 5 to 10 minutes. You will hear popping and fizzing, do not be alarmed. The sound is the hydrogen peroxide softening you ear wax and killing bacteria present in your ear. Place a tissue over your ear and allow it to drain. Use a Q-Tip to clean out the wax. For symptoms of a cold or ear pain do this to stop a cold or infections.

Do you have stinky feet? Vodka to the rescue, I am referring to pure straight vodka, no flavors please. Saturate a washcloth with the vodka and rub over your feet, the high alcohol content will kill off the bacteria that causes your feet to stink.

Dang! Did it again, cutting through a hearty crusted loaf of bread, my finger got in the way and was cut. Now, mind you this is not the type of cut that requires a band aid. Looking at it you know you will need a few stiches, but dred going to the ER, or Urgent Care to wait. The natural healing remedy I will share with you next is unbelievable but works. Wash and air dry the cut, then apply super glue to hold the cut together, then apply clean chap stick to the top of the cut to seal it.

Removing warts and skin tags require an expensive trip to a dermatologist or perhaps you have purchased those stinky and overpriced over the counter remedies. Duct tape to the rescue, yes duct tape, no one can tell you why it works, but it does. Apply a small piece of duct tape to cover the wart or skin tag. Leave it on until it falls off, no worries you can shower with it on. Once the tape falls off and the wart or skin tag is still there, repeat the process. People who have tried this report it usually takes three applications, which is a two-to-three-week timeframe.

Canker sores are one of the most painful things in the world! To stop pain and heal the canker sore quickly, apply equal parts of milk of magnesia and Benadryl or Benylin to the sore. Apply one to two drops to the sore two to three times a day. Take heed don’t use a lot and absolutely don’t swallow any, you are not trying to paralyze your throat.

Planting flowers a few years ago I dug up a buried beehive. Of course, the bees were agitated and came up in a swarm. Fortunately, I was only stung three times. I wish I had known about this natural healing remedy then. Bees have an acidic nature, so be sure to remove the stinger. Make a paste of baking powder and a little water. Apply a teaspoon of the paste to the sting site and use a cloth or bandage to keep it in place. You should feel relief in 15 – 30 minutes. For wasp stings use a clean cloth soaked with vinegar, apply it to the sting and you should feel better in 15 – 30 minutes.

I enjoy spicy food, on my food Blog I posted a recipe for Firehouse Chili, as you can guess by the name it was very spicy. A quick fix for severe heartburn is to mix one to two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of water for instant relief.

An old remedy you may know about for athlete’s feet and toe fungus is to soak your feet in an old-fashioned mouthwash, like Listerine once or twice a week.

Yeast infections and urinary tract infections can be prevented. Avoid yeast infections by eating a container of plain yogurt that is not sweetened and has active cultures every day. Drinking a glass of cranberry juice daily will prevent urinary tract infections.

Stay in the sun too long and you will get sunburned, even those of us who are melanated. To soothe the burn, make a pot of tea using at least three black tea bags. Black tea contains tannins that speed up the recovery time, soothe the skin, and cut down peeling. Allow the tea to cool completely, wet a wash rag with the tea and apply to the burn area two to three times a day for three days.

About 40% of the world’s population is infected with the herpes virus, which is incurable. However, if you have herpes, stop spending money on synthetic meds and topical ointments. Simply drink green tea which stops the virus from replicating and reduces the severity of outbreaks. Drink a minimum of two cups of freshly brewed green tea daily. Should you have an outbreak, mix 10 drops of green tea extract in two teaspoons of coconut oil and apply to the lesions until they disappear.

An old-fashioned pain remedy, since the age of Hippocrates is Willow Bark. It is an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Willow Bark has been so effective as a pain reliever, it was used as the primary ingredient used in aspirin. If you have a headache, brew some willow bark. For faster relief, take between 60 mg and 240 mg of salicin supplement.

Stop a toothache with clove oil. Clove oil is used in modern dentistry today, it is applied with a Q-Tip to numb the area the dentist will be working on. If you develop a toothache and can’t see the dentist right away, apply one to two drops of clove oil directly to the tooth. Do not swallow any as it can irritate your stomach.

In conclusion, there are many more natural home remedies, I hope I have sparked your interest enough for you to explore more.

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤️