african american couple hugging and dancing near balloons in apartment

For centuries dancing has been a part of our societies around the Globe. Anyone can dance, children, young folk, and old folk, it doesn’t require any particular skill. Putting your body in motion can stimulate mental, physical, and emotional health. It makes no difference if you are new to dancing or experienced, there are multiple reasons to keep dancing.

The obvious benefit of dancing is an improvement in your physical fitness. Dancing helps with weight loss, improves sleep quality, boosts mood, and relieves stress. There are so many types of dance Zumba, Line, 2-step and belly dancing are great stress relievers. Every time you dance you burn calories, leading to weight loss and improving cardio health and muscle tone.

Do you suffer from insomnia or difficulty sleeping? Put on some music and dance, the physical activity will tire you out and you will be on your way to a good night’s sleep. If tired you will more likely fall asleep faster and sleep longer.

Dancing is one way to release pent-up emotions you may be feeling. Get out on the floor and release it all, dance out your feelings, get them out of your head and body and you will feel better. When dancing you focus on the music and your body movements, which help distract you from stress.

Line dancing is popular, I seem to learn one, and the next thing I know a new one pops up. This form of dancing improves your memory because you have to remember the steps and movements. The areas of our brains that control memory and skills related to planning and organizing improve with dancing.

As we age coordination and body movement may be affected. Because your body moves in unison with the music dancing improves cognitive and motor skills. Being elderly is not an excuse for not dancing, ballroom and other forms of dancing are appropriate for people with limited mobility or chronic health issues.

Make dancing a social activity, attend a line dance, belly dancing, or Zumba class. It is one way to meet people with similar interests. Being around other people while dancing is good for your social and emotional health. Who knows you may want to try Hip-hop dancing. It is freestyle, you move your body the way you want to. When I hear Blow the Whistle, I’m heading to the dance floor, that’s my jam, lol!

The important thing is to get up and move your body, I have a vast collection of vinyl record albums, and CDs. When cleaning the house and cooking I have my music blasting. I have no issues dancing around my home or having a party with me, myself, and I.

So, the next time Blow the Whistle is playing, get on up! If you have never heard it Google it, the song was the first single from a rapper from Oakland Too Short. The bottom line is to move your body work out the kinks and live a better life and dance!!!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings❤️