Summer time and the living is easy. That is a line from one of my favorite songs. This summer with Rona living among us things are definitely not easy. However the sweet refreshing taste of a juicy watermelon is a real treat. But who knew that it has health benefits? Today we will look at some of them.

  • Loaded with Lycopene

The bright red color of watermelon comes from lycopene, which is an antioxidant. It may deter your risk of cancer and diabetes with a healthy lifestyle. Watermelon has more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable. You should choose a melon with bright red flesh versus yellow or orange. I grew up spitting out seeds and used to take great pleasure in doing so. As it turns out seedless melon has more lycopene than those with seeds.

  • Sun Benefit

Some pigments help protect plants from the sun and just eating them may shield your skin too. The lycopene found in watermelon may make it less likely that you will get sunburned. However that is not for certain, so please continue to use sunscreen with SPF of 30 or higher daily.

  • Heart Health

Watermelon is rich in an amino acid known as citrulline that helps move blood through your body and can lower blood pressure. Studies show that it may lower your risk for a heart attack. Of course your lifestyle affects heart health as well. Make sure you work out, don’t smoke and limit saturated fat.

  • Protects Joints

Watermelon has a natural pigment called beta-cryptoxanthin that protects joints from inflammation. Over time it could prevent rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Eyes

One medium slice of watermelon contains 9-11% of the vitamin A you need daily. This nutrient is key to keeping your eyes healthy. My motto is the best way to get vitamins and minerals that your body needs is through your food.

  • Hydration

Watermelon is 92% water making it an easy way to stay hydrated. Every body cell needs water. A small shortage of water can make you feel tired and sluggish. So eat up.

  • Soothes the Skin

Vitamins A, B6, and C found in watermelon helps your skin stay smooth and supple. Melon also makes a great face mask because of its water content. Mix 1 tablespoon each of watermelon juice and Greek yogurt. Spread over your face and let sit for 10 minutes to slough off dull, dry skin. Rinse and pat dry.

  • Satisfies Your Sweet Tooth

Once a month I treat myself to Handel’s Ice Cream, its my reward for all the work outs I put myself through. That ice cream is about 300 calories. Having the same amount of watermelon would only be 45.6 calories. Unlike most desserts, it is fat free, low in cholesterol, and has no sodium. As well the water content will help you feel fuller longer. Make a watermelon sorbet, puree some in your blender, add a squeeze of lime, and place in the freezer to harden.

  • Boosts Your Workout

The high water content, antioxidants, and amino acids in watermelon make for a better workout. The high potassium level of watermelon could cut down on cramps in the gym and prevent muscle soreness.

  • Won’t Elevate Your Blood Sugar

Watermelon has few carbohydrates and has a glycemic index value of 80. Its glycemic load( how quickly it enters your bloodstream and produces glucose) is only 5. So enjoy it!

  • Digests easily

The soft fleshy fruit of watermelon is very easy to digest, even if you have a digestive condition like Crohn’s or colitis. Just don’t eat the rind or seeds.

  • Swallow a Seed?

Growing up we were always told if you swallowed a watermelon seed it would grow in your belly. Of course we know our stomachs have no sunlight or soil and are full of gastric acid. If you accidentally swallow a seed, have no fear, they are full of nutrients. Most melons today are seedless. Although be aware seedless melons are genetically modified. Which is why I continue to eat melons with seeds.

  • Best Way to Choose One

You should look for a yellow, not white spot on the bottom, that signals that the melon is ripe. Choose one that is free of dents, nicks, and bruises. A juicy ready melon will feel heavy for its size. It should sound hollow when thumped.

  • Safely Cut and Store Your Melon

You should wash the outside of your melon before you slice it. You don’t want to transfer germs with your knife. Melon tastes best right after it is cut, but can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days. Freezing is also an option, the melon won’t stay crisp, but can be used in smoothies.

  • Don’t Just Slice

Sliced melon is wonderful and taste great, but there is more you can do with it. Try topping a salad with cubed melon and crumbled feta cheese. Ever consider a watermelon pizza? Top wedges with yogurt, mint, slivered almonds, and berries. Oh by the way, save the seeds. They can be tossed in olive oil and sea salt, and roasted for a delicious healthy snack.

So enjoy the juicy, tasty, and healthy watermelon this season and its benefits to your health!