bed surrounded with plants

The graph below shows the number of people in the United States suffering with insomnia. You can see the number of Americans suffering with insomnia is astounding.

What can be done about it? The treatments vary from an antidepressant to a more natural treatment with melatonin. However, what if this condition could be treated naturally with plants? I have plants in every room of my home, they give off energy and purify the air. Plants are medicinal, our ancestors knew what plants, roots, and herbs treated various diseases and conditions.

Keeping that in mind let’s explore some plants that will decrease anxiety, purify the air, and induce sleep that you should have in your bedroom.

A plant that I usually send for funeral services is the Peace Lilly, it blooms in seasons, kinda of like the path of life. The Peace Lily filters the air of benzenes and formaldehyde. It freshens the air and keeps the humidity level. As well, it suppresses airborne microbes that cause allergy symptoms.

Valerian is a beautiful perennial that blooms in pink or white. Galen. a Roman philosopher and physician was the first to use the Valerian plant to treat insomnia.

The Snake Plant known to hold oxygen, releases that oxygen at night to help us sleep, Mother Nature’s lullaby!

To have the most potent air purifier that eliminates formaldehyde from the air, use Spider Plants. I say plants because you will need more than one of these in your home to achieve purification. They are beautiful and easy to care for.

Gerber daisies, which most people would associate as an outdoor plant, can be grown inside as well. These plants not only purify the air as the others but are known to lift your mood as a bonus.

The Bamboo plant, another easy to grow plant, just don’t kill it with overwatering, cleans the air of odors and toxins.

Lavendar, which I love, reduces stress, and lowers blood pressure naturally, and it has been said soothes crying babies.

The scent of Jasmine alone is so relaxing and soothing to me. Its aroma reduces anxiety, promotes sleep, and increases productivity.

Gardenias have the same qualities as some of the plants mentioned above and promotes sleep.

Golden Pothos, is another plant that is an air purifier, it does best when hung. However, be sure no one ingests the little heart shaped leaves as they are toxic.

English Ivy is another easy to grow plant that is an air purifier, but make sure no one touches the leaves too much or ingests it as it is toxic.

Last but certainly not least is the Aloe Vera Plant, in Egypt this plant was known as the “plant of immortality”. The Aloe Vera does have healing properties, the gel inside of the leaf heals multiple skin conditions. Heads up folks, this is a cactus plant, please don’t kill it by overwatering.

So, there you have it! Plants and herbs are still medicinal today as they were in ancient times. The issue is we are being led by pharmaceutical companies to consume a pill for a quick fix! Don’t fall for the okey doke, all medicine has side effects, there are very few, next to none using plant and herbal medicine.

Wake up and smell the roses, or if you have insomnia, place some of these plants in your bedroom and throughout your home.

Peace, a tranquil environment, and clean air naturally reduce anxiety and promote adequate sleep!

Until next time,

Peace, Love, and Blessings💖